June 27                                                                              Hearing God’s Voice Everyday


All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper) and to prayer.

-Acts 2:42 (NLT)


When Christ died on the cross

He gave his Spirit so we can never be lost

He called us to come together as a family

And teach one another the truth that will set us free.

He asks us to be in fellowship with each other

And share in meals including the Last Supper

He summons us to pray for the world

And be constantly fed and guided by his word.

Before I became an authentic Christian, I participated in so many church activities for the sake of religion and wanting to appear spiritual. I participated in them as part of church traditions.  These meetings and socials happened in the church premises but are no different from any other happening outside the church. The bible wasn’t read or even talked about. It seemed more like a club or gathering of people who wants to do things for the church.

The bible tells us in Acts 2:42 that believers form the community of Christ. We are asked to learn from God’s truth, fellowship, share meals and pray together.


Lord, help us to grow in faith and truth and be in fellowship with other believers.


Why do you think we are summoned to be in fellowship other Christians?


June 27                                                                              Hearing God’s Voice Everyday


All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper) and to prayer.

-Acts 2:42 (NLT)


When Christ died on the cross

He gave his Spirit so we can never be lost

He called us to come together as a family

And teach one another the truth that will set us free.

He asks us to be in fellowship with each other

And share in meals including the Last Supper

He summons us to pray for the world

And be constantly fed and guided by his word.

Before I became an authentic Christian, I participated in so many church activities for the sake of religion and wanting to appear spiritual. I participated in them as part of church traditions.  These meetings and socials happened in the church premises but are no different from any other happening outside the church. The bible wasn’t read or even talked about. It seemed more like a club or gathering of people who wants to do things for the church.

The bible tells us in Acts 2:42 that believers form the community of Christ. We are asked to learn from God’s truth, fellowship, share meals and pray together.


Lord, help us to grow in faith and truth and be in fellowship with other believers.


Why do you think we are summoned to be in fellowship other Christians?

Powered by the Spirit Poem devotional

June 26                                                                              Hearing God’s Voice Everyday


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth

-Acts 1:8 (NLT)


As soon as we believe in Christ

We are powered by the Spirit and made right

Believers have been called to witness

And testify to His miracles and greatness.

When the Spirit works inside

It will never set aside

All the good works God has done

And will prod us to declare his kingdom.

I accepted God back in my life after a decade of disobedience some twenty years ago.  I felt the Spirit powering me to always talk about his miracles in my life. I was an English and Visual Arts teacher to a Catholic school. I just couldn’t stop sharing what God has done in my life to my students while I was teaching them art and language. It was the spirit that drove me to say all these things to invite others to know Jesus.

In the book of Acts, we are summoned to be witnesses of Christ; to tell everyone about him everywhere unto the ends of the earth.


Lord, help me to act and say your truth so I can be an authentic witness to you.


How can I become a living witness to Christ and invite others to his kingdom?




He will prove to them that sin is not believing in me.

-John 16:9 (NLT)


Loving is the absence of fear

It is wanting to relate and be near

To God and those who are close and dear

It is believing when things are not always clear.

Fear is a manifestation of sin

It keeps us to resist to lean

It makes us bound to the world

It draws us farther from the word.

Not all believers actually live what they believe. Some experiences teach us fear. It changes our pure hearts and sometimes keeps us in bondage to fear. I lived many years in fear because of all my traumas as a child. God invited me to let him direct me to a life of freedom by believing and trusting him totally. It was from reading his word that he set me free.

In John 16:7-9, Jesus promises the Helper to his disciples that even when he is physically gone from the world, they’ll have help.  He emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin. He wants us to grow in faith and be taught by his spirit how to grow in faith.


Lord, help me to be able to declare and act on my faith especially when I can’t comprehend your plans.


What are you worried or fearful about? Why do you think Jesus considers unbelief a sin?