eugenia falls and chasing clouds 579September 6                                                                 Hearing God’s Voice Everyday


And if someone asks, “Then what about those wounds on your chest?”

he will say, ‘I was wounded at my friends’ house.’

Zechariah 13:6 (NLT)


When someone disagrees with you completely

You usually react or respond inevitably

Sometimes your loved ones correct you

You quickly take action against them and later rue

How many times have you actually hurt yourself?

You make wrong choices and you really need help

Your pride is nudged when they want to correct you

They want your best interest in everything you do.

The context of the verse above points to the way a false prophet covers up for his deception. He points and blames that his friend wounded him so he could pretend that he is an authentic prophet. This verse clearly shows us our nature to blame. We don’t accept correction easily. What comes out naturally is pointing our fingers at someone else when we are wronged or misunderstood.  The spirit of offense automatically overcomes us.  Instead of having an open mind to accept that we might be wrong too, we play the blame game. In doing so, we absolve ourselves of the responsibility over sin. Then, the cycle of pride goes on. It takes time to admit we have a part in the offence. Forgiveness becomes harder. We are trapped again in sin.


Lord show and teach me how to avoid being offended.


Why do you think “correction” is essential?



Called to be Good Poem Devotional

badlands fall2012 077-001September 5                                                                 Hearing God’s Voice Everyday


But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you. For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering just as

 Christ suffered for you. He is your example and you must follow his footsteps

1 Peter 2:20-21(NLT)


At the cross, your sinful nature was erased

God gave you his bountiful mercy and grace

He calls you to do good even it means suffering

Just recall how Christ saved you by being the offering.

Christ is your model to emulate

He is the only one who never retaliates

He suffered for you so you can be free

He removed your blinders so you can see.

When my son was a child, he asked me “Why is it so easy for you to be good Mom? Why is it hard for me to do it?” What he didn’t know was the struggles I had to endure to be a good model for him.  I told him that it was God’s grace that makes me choose to do good and the focusing on Christ’s example keeps me on track.

God calls us to be good. Suffering and enduring are part of the equation to stay in God’s righteousness. He gave us Christ so we can understand love, suffering and humility and obedience.


Lord, help me to follow Christ daily.


Why has God called you to emulate Christ?