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May 18                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.    –1 Corinthians 15:58 (NLT)     


Press on when you do things for the Lord

It will help you focus on God and be strong

Nothing you do for him will ever be useless

His love, mercy and provision are boundless.

Always work enthusiastically for your creator

It will bring much harvest in your life later

When you view life with a thankful attitude

You will reap wisdom, self-control and fortitude.

Do you serve the Lord with enthusiasm? You do not have to literally serve a church or do faith works to serve the Lord. Your ministry may be your own family, your co-workers, your neighbors or even strangers. Your workplace can be a venue to get people to believe in the Lord by your attitude and demeanor. When you live a life of integrity and honesty, you become a role model to others.

The bible tells us to work enthusiastically for the Lord. Nothing we do for the Lord will be useless, but every work we do that will bring glory to God will be rewarded in the end. It may not be a physical reward, but a spiritual gift or fruit of the spirit.


Lord, keep me joyful while I serve you.


Why is enthusiasm important in what you say or do?


May 18 The Power of God’s Word
But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me. It was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.
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–1 Corinthians 15:10 NLT)
A poem by ILMA
All that I am and all that I have
Whatever gifts I received I cannot brag
They are God’s grace poured in me
He loves me so much so I can be free.
God’s amazing love pours grace and mercy
He wants us to walk in love generously
He works in us, through us and with us
Even if we can’t understand, we must trust.
Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor from God. It is given to those whom he loves and he calls his children. There is nothing we can do that will earn us his grace and mercy. Since God is love, it is his nature to shower us with his love through grace.
The bible tells us that we are only able to do and accomplish things because of God’s grace. He pours out special favors to his faithful followers and those who believe and love him. It is wrong to boast about anything we own; any gift we have or any favors we get from him. Without his grace, we will be nothing.
Lord, show me how to proclaim your greatness.
Why do you think God gives his people grace?


monocliff 2011 310May 17                                                                              The Power of God’s Word
We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. – 2 Corinthians 6:8(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you serve God to bring glory and praise?
Continue to be loyal to him, that’s what the bible says
Do you expect honor and recognition for doing so?
The more you must press on when people despise you.
We serve a faithful and loving heavenly father
We ought to bring love to our sisters and brothers
Catering to our agenda is the opposite of serving him
It is by selflessly following his commands that we are redeemed.
The bible tells us that we cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24), either you will hate the one or love the other. Sadly, there are so many people who are confused who to serve. Some try to serve both money and God. No wonder their lives are messed up.
We are asked to serve God whether people honor or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. If we are so concerned to take credit for what we do for God, then we are only fooling ourselves because that is really not serving God but ourselves. Real servants of God are selfless and always points to the source of mercy and grace, the Lord almighty.
Lord, please help me to serve you only.
Why is it important to be aware who we really serve?

WALK IN LOVE Poem Devotional

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May 16                                                                               The Power of God’s Word
The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
–Micah 6:8 (NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Whenever you show impartiality
You are walking rightly
Whenever you forgive quickly
You are choosing to give mercy.
Walking in love and humility
Wipes out all conflicts and hostility
It breaks all forms of sins and strongholds
It makes us access God’s promises and grow.
The Mechanicsville paper published an article on the statistics of the effects of broken homes. “Did you know that more than three in ten children grow up in broken homes and children from broken homes account for 70% of those in juvenile detention; 57% of all prison inmates; 63 % of teen suicides; 71% of teen pregnancies; 90% of homeless juveniles and runaways; 71% of high school dropouts; 75% of all drug users; and 85% of behavioral disorders. This is the sad truth about the lack of love in our society.
The bible tells us through the prophet Micah what God requires of us. The message is for all of us to do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with him. If we follow these guidelines, we can avoid social diseases in our society.
Lord, help me to walk in your love.
How can walking in love contribute to a healthy society?


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May 15                                                                                   The Power of God’s Word
I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you, and leads you along the paths you should follow. –Isaiah 48:17(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you rely on others to teach and tell you what to do?
There is no one else who knows you through and through
God alone sees your heart, thoughts and intentions
He knows how to handle your trials and tribulations.
The greatest teacher leads you along paths you should follow
He has your best interest at heart and hears your sorrow
Do not lose hope, come to him and he will show you the way
He will confront all your enemies and he will make them pay.
There are many people who can tell you what to do and how to live your life. Do they really know what is good for you? Only God knows our thoughts, feelings and heart. He knows us be name, even before we were born. He knows every strand in our hair (Luke 12:7).
God is all-knowing and all seeing. He invites us to allow him to teach us and lead us to the paths we should take. He is the greatest teacher. When we rely on him for guidance, we are guaranteed a life full of promises and fruits of his spirit.
Lord, help me to consult with you always.
Why does God want us to seek guidance from him?

PRAY AT ALL TIMES Poem devotional

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May 14 The Power of God’s Word
One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray and he prayed to God all night. –Luke 6:12(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Jesus always went to a quiet place
He made it a point to be with God always
Whenever he got busy with his ministry
He runs to be alone with his Father unfailingly.
Do you pray at all times to your heavenly Father?
It helps you be strong to handle worldly matters
It keeps you connected to your source of might
It helps you discern and gain insight.
The bible describes to us how often Jesus went to a quiet place like the mountain top or a garden to spend quality time with God. He didn’t want any distraction as he connects with him. When he finished healing and teaching people, he always finds a way to escape the world’s noise to be one with his heavenly father. It seems like he draws strength and power from God so he can continue working for his kingdom.
In our “busy”ness, we get so wrapped up in the things we do in this world. We become idolaters of our careers, families, friends, ministries, possessions. We fail to see that it is God who gave us all that we have.
Lord, help me to remember to pray at all times.
Why do we need to pray more when we are busy and have more challenges?


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May 13                                                                         The Power of God’s Word
When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. –Matthew 6:7(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Babbling and repeated prayers are futile
They do not involve your heart which is vital
When you pray, be in a secret place
Listen to his voice and hear what he says.
Don’t repeat your words again and again
It is only a waste of time and gets no gain.
Cry or shout for joy when you talk to the Lord
Pour out your heart to bring him laud.
When I was a child, the Our Father was the first prayer I was taught. The process of memorizing something is like storing the words in your heart. Be careful to be mindful when you utter memorized prayer. If you do not take the time to let your heart process the words, it will just be repeated words with no meaning. There were so many formula prayers I learned in the past that were futile.
The bible tells us that we shouldn’t repeat again and again what we say when we pray. God isn’t deaf. In fact, he already knows what we need even before we pray. Praying is like having intimate conversations with God where there’s interaction.
Lord, guard me from futile praying.
Why do we need to use our hearts when we talk to God?

FAITH HEALS Poem Devotional

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May 12 The Power of God’s Word
“Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment. –Matthew 9:22(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you believe that faith can save you?
Trust completely in the Lord and he will renew
Your confidence in him will bring healing
It will lead you to freedom and rejoicing.
When you have a weakness or an illness
Be encouraged, faith will bring hopefulness
If you surrender anything to God’s power
He will bring a miracle right at that hour.
Do you realize how faith can actually save you from darkness and illnesses? I have seen actual healing happen when I went to a faith healer who got his spiritual gift of healing from the Lord. He received God’s gift to heal and he was used by the Lord so God will be glorified. Millions of people followed him and I actually saw cripples and bed ridden cancer patients literally standing up and walking as he laid his hands and prayed on them. The first thing he asks from them is if they totally believe that God will free them from their predicament. The moment they declare their faith, they were instantly healed. The bible has many faith stories that would attest to healing as an offshoot of faith. Matthew mentions the woman who instantly received healing by trusting Jesus.
Lord, help me to grow in faith.
Why is faith essential in healing?

LIKE A MOTHER Poem Devotional

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May 11                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word

I will comfort you there in Jerusalem as a mother comforts her child.

  • Isaiah66:13(NLT)     


A poem by ILMA

Who can ever provide a love that is unconditional?

Women are gifted with instincts that are maternal

A mother provides all she can to protect her family

She will do everything to bring them up righteously.

Like a mother, God comforts his children daily

He gives them hope and loves them completely

He promises his beloved children great riches

His faithfulness endures forever which brings fullness.

Motherhood is one of the hardest roles a person could ever handle. I think God gave mothers special gifts and the power to press on in life.  From the time of conception, it is amazing how mothers are given the strength to handle the changes in their bodies and their emotions. When women are pregnant, they go through major hormonal changes in their bodies, which often times are hard to deal with. If you are a woman, you probably know what I am talking about. The cravings, the mood swings, the heightened sensitivities to different things.  God has equipped women to have emotional strength to bear difficulties. How awesome is our God who designed women to have the capacity to nurture and care. The bible tells us that God is like a mother who constantly comforts her child.


Lord, make me more caring and nurturing.


Why do you think God likens himself to a mother?


REMAIN IN GOD Poem Devotional

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May 10                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
Remain in me and I will remain in you, for a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
–John 15:4(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you think you can do anything on your own?
Do you realize that without God, you cannot grow?
Like the fruits to its vine, one cannot do without the other
Remain in God so you can mature and be a blessing to one another.
The fruits of the spirit will present itself if you remain in him
Discernment, knowledge and wisdom, God will bring
All God’s children will reap his promises
By abiding in him, you are granted peace and happiness.
It is sad to see a lot of people living in isolation from God or others. They want to be separate from anyone who would stop them from getting what they yearn for. The bible likens us to the vine and its branches. If we remain in God’s love, He will stay with us. By seeking him and abiding in his love, we produce fruits of the Spirit. Without the choice to seek him in our lives, it will be very difficult to reap these fruits such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Without God, these fruits will not be present.
Lord, keep me in your love.
Why is it important to remain in God?