GOD ANSWERS Poem Devotional

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May 8 The Power of God’s Word
I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayer. –Isaiah 65:24(NLT)

A poem by ILMA
Pray whenever you have a need
It will be answered when you heed
Call upon the Lord when you are in pain
He will hear your prayers; it will not be in vain.
Even before you ask, he knows already what you’ll say
He loves you so much and he will always find a way
While you are still requesting in prayer
He has already granted and answered.
How often do you pray? The prophet Daniel is a perfect example of the power of prayer. In chapter 9:4-19, he confessed and pleaded God to forgive the sins of Israel. He used the word “we” even though he has not sinned. Unlike the Pharisees who prayed lifting themselves up and putting down other sinners in Luke 18:11, Daniel’s heart cried out for his people. He wasn’t righteous like the Pharisee. He interceded for Israel and believed that God will have mercy as he has shown the prophet Jeremiah. Daniel quoted scriptures and believed it.
The bible tells us that God answers prayer while we are still praying. Sometimes we don’t hear or see the answers because we don’t want the answers.
Lord, grant me a humble heart that prays always.
Why do you think God wants us to pray?


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May 7                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word
Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. –1 Timothy 3:12(NLT)

A poem by ILMA
The moment you accept Christ as your savior
Let your actions reflect righteous behavior
Every believer who wants to live a godly life
Be ready to avoid all forms of strife
It is easy to give in to temptation and sin
It takes grace and trust to be redeemed
Each person who wants to serve the Lord
Press on the challenges to bring him laud.
There are many challenges a Christian face. One of them is persecutions or discrimination. Most unbelievers test you or question your faith and beliefs. In fact, the more you follow Christ, the more the enemy would want to steal your peace, joy and your heart.
When I chose Christ as my Lord and Savior, I wasn’t exempt from suffering. The difference between a believer and an unbeliever lies in knowing that one is not alone when they go through challenges and trials. As they humbly admit their weakness, Christ strengthens them.
The bible tells us that persecution will be part of a godly life. Just as Christ suffered when he was on earth, those who claim to be his followers must face these challenges that are inevitable when they embrace righteousness living.
Lord, bring me strength to face challenges.
Why do you think suffering is inevitable in a Christian’s life?


downtown orangeville 001May 6                                                                             The Power of God’s Word
I can do nothing on my own, I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will.
– John 5:30 (NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Whenever you do things separate from God’s will
You make yourself vulnerable for the enemy to steal
God made humans so they can love him back
He doesn’t want people to be isolated and have a lack.
Christ didn’t do anything separate from God’s plans
He obeyed and did all his Father’s commands
The son carried out the will of the Father
He was a perfect example to his sisters and brothers.
Do you consult God when you make a decision or do something? There are many reasons why we fail or succeed in life. We will never be able to comprehend why we fall short of something or why someone else succeeds and we don’t. Has it ever occurred to you that it might be because you didn’t have the humility to ask God? It might be because you have been taking credit for something that God needs to be praised for.
The bible tells us that we can do nothing on our own. Even Christ who was divine had the humility to do nothing without God’s consent.
Lord, grant me a hunger to align my will with yours.
Why is humility important in life?


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May 5                                                                                    The Power of God’s Word

We must not just please ourselves. We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.  –Romans 15:1-2(NLT)     


A poem by ILMA

To think only of one’s own self is not pleasing to God

Catering to your flesh does not bring him laud

Christ wants us to help others do what is right

He expects us to build each other up to stay in the light.

Reflect a life in pursuit of righteousness

This will bring others to follow that goodness

It encourages hope, faith, joy and compassion

It clearly manifests a life full of love and passion.

A lot of believers have turned their backs to the church simply because they see so much conflict in how people live their lives and what they believe in. Somehow, some Christians have separated their beliefs from how they live. This is not how God wants us to be. James 1:22 says that we don’t just listen to God’s word, but must do what it says.

The bible talks more about others than self. It says that we must not just please ourselves but do what is right and build others up in the Lord. We are asked to encourage and build one another in God’s love and in following his commands.


Lord, help me be an example of love and righteousness.


Why is it important to encourage one another in Christ?




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May 3                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word
Anyone who hates another brother or sister is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness. –1 John 2:11(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
When you find it hard to forgive
It makes it hard to receive
A person who choose to hate
Finds it hard to understand and relate.
When you constantly choose darkness
It makes you blind and hopeless
If you do not want to let go of sin
You forfeit the chance to be redeemed.
Have you ever related with someone who is unforgiving? I have lived my life with so many unforgiving people. It is so hard to watch them destroy their relationships and go down the road of desperation and anger. I’ve known someone who would never forgive a person who has asked her forgiveness for almost a decade until the day she died. I wonder if she ever forgave her. It is sad to watch people get consumed by hatred and anger. It is toxic, but somehow, the choice not to forgive makes that person blinded to the truth that can set them free.
The bible tells us that if we live in hate, we will be blinded by the darkness we chose. That person continues to live in obscurity and forfeits life.
Lord, show me how to forgive.
Why is forgiveness essential to continue walking in love?


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May 1                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. –Psalm 90:17(NLT)

A poem by ILMA
Do you find yourself fixated on pleasing someone?
Do you try to search for happiness from everyone?
Do you consult God for every little plan you make?
Do you just do things for your own sake?
May the Lord show you his approval and consent
In all you do, seek his guidance and his presence
Whenever you confer with him, he gives you insight
If you ask in faith, you will bring him joy and delight.
I was raised to be very independent and was surrounded by people who were self-reliant. Identifying and discussing problems and issues in our families were taboo. The authorities in my life made it a point that all issues are dismissed and never talked about. I grew up making my own decisions without consulting anyone and I took pride in doing so. Each time I make the right one, I pat myself on the back for it, as if it was an achievement.
The bible tells us to align all our plans, choices and decisions with God. We will be blessed and anointed if we seek God’s consent rather than other people’s viewpoint. When we seek God first, he will grant our efforts and make it successful.
Lord, help me to seek your counsel always.
Why is it important to get God’s approval?


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May 2                                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. –1 John2:16 (NLT)

A poem by ILMA
Do you indulge yourself in pleasures?
Do you get consumed by worldly treasures?
Do you rely on your own efforts to reach ambitions?
Do you take pride in your achievements and possessions?
Be careful you don’t succumb to cravings of this world
They enslave you and give the enemy an opening and a foothold
Yearnings of the flesh are not godly and righteous
They come from this world that is evil and vicious.
Consumerism is defined as the belief that it is good for people to spend a lot of money on goods and services. We are bombarded by all forms of media marketing to consume either a product or a service. These companies pay huge amounts of money to ensure that they create a need for people to purchase their product. They think of all kinds of strategies to persuade us that a want is actually a need in order to make us buy.
The bible tells us that these cravings are not from God but from this world. The moment we boast of our achievements and possessions, we endanger ourselves.
Lord, help me to have humility.
How can awareness of our cravings keep us humble?