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July 21                                                                           The Power of God’s Word
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?–Luke 15:4 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
If you value something and it gets missing
Wouldn’t you stop everything and go searching?
Won’t you leave the rest of what you are doing?
Won’t you find a way to know where they are going?
Searching for someone gone astray that you love most
Is like a shepherd looking for one lost sheep amidst them all
God would do everything to get back those who left Him
He will wait patiently until they’re ready to be redeemed.
The parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15 is a story about a prodigal son who have turned his back from the love of his father and selfishly squandered his inheritance. While he was recklessly spending all the money he got from his father, he couldn’t care less about anything. When he finished them all and started to get hungry, that is when he realized what he has lost. The love of God is clearly illustrated in this parable. If any of his children turn their backs on him, he would do everything to retrieve them.
Lord, let me never turn my back on you.
How much do you appreciate God’s love?

BE READY! Poem devotional

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July 20                                                                                   The Power of God’s Word
So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected. –Matthew 24: 42, 44 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The master will return unannounced and unexpected
Be ready for those who are prepared will be selected
Like a surprised visit, you don’t want to miss it
Obey and seek him and you will be granted a seat.
Keep watch! You don’t know when he will appear
Be prepared always and you will overcome fear
Choose and enjoy your life and be steady
It is good to be prepared and always ready.
Military training involves an immense readiness aside from the high expectations to master combat skills and training to win a battle. There is always a war going on inside our spirits which is a war between good and evil. It is not something we can physically see, but this spiritual war is real. Whenever we experience inner conflicts inside us that divide us from God, there is definitely an enemy lurking and preying to get you captive to his plan of destruction.
The bible tells us to be ready and keep watch because we don’t know what day the Lord is coming again. It will be unexpected.
Lord, help me be ready always.
Why is readiness important for a Christian’s salvation?


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July 14                                               The Power of God’s Word
Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act.
–Matthew 7:15,16 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Beware of false prophets who disguise themselves as sheep
They will deceive you and pull you down deep
The only way to know is to be in the word
It exposes the evil ways of the world.
Anyone can façade their intentions fluently
They can say anything and persuade you powerfully
Their authenticity can be gauged only by God’s truth
Their actions reveal if they have the fruit.
There is a rise in teachers, preachers and prophets in these present days. Believers must be careful of false prophets. The only way to identify them is by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. The bible says in Matthew 7:17-20 that a good tree can’t produce bad fruit and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire.
You can identify people by their actions. If their actions do not jive with what they say then they are counterfeit. That’s why Christians must show by example what they believe just as Christ did while he was among us.
Lord, help me to live what I believe.
Why is it important to walk your talk?

HARD WORK PAYS Poem Devotional

July 13 The Power of God’s Word Wealth from get-rich quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.–Proverbs 13:11 (NLT) HARD WORK PAYS A poem and essay by ILMA Those who work hard and persevere will grow They will have a bountiful harvest from what they sow Wealth will be easy for them to attain They have God who faithfully sustains. All the blessings in life, they will have For as long as they live, they will not starve Those who get rich quickly will not be rich for long They did not work hard enough to be that strong. Hard work is usually behind the success of wealthy people. Wealth does not necessarily mean rich in money and possessions. Some people are wealthy in talents and skills. Others are rich in friendships and family relations. I am blessed with creativity and God has been faithful to shower me with productivity that blesses others as well. When I spent time with God and thanked him for all he gave me, I was prosperous and prolific in my endeavors. The bible tells us that quick get rich wealth disappears easily while wealth derived from hard work grows over time. Do your best to work hard and do not obsess with getting rick quickly because it doesn’t last. Thankfulness is a big part of being prosperous and wealthy. PRAYER Lord, help me to be faithful to you. REFLECTION How is wealth and prosperity a result of hard work?


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July 12                                                                   The Power of God’s Word
Some people make cutting remarks but the words of the wise bring healing.
–Proverbs 12:18 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you careful what words come out of your mouth?
Do you allow only good thoughts in your mind and let bad out?
Do you speak to encourage or do you make cutting remarks?
Does wisdom come out of your lips or does conflict sparks?
Some people say things that are mean and discriminating
The words of the wise bring encouragement and healing
Take into consideration other people’s feelings
Seek God’s truth and you will get all the blessings.
Have you ever been around wise people? They often bring you clarity and wisdom. Even as a young girl, I always want to be around older people because I get wise words and wider perspective on various things. My grandfather was a man of wisdom. He makes me feel secure and always encourage me especially when I am confused or bombarded with problems. Some people just make you feel loved and accepted while others mostly criticize and judge you all the time.
The bible says that the words of the wise bring healing. Wisdom comes from the word of God. Seeking him and following his commands bring wisdom and discernment in our lives. Stay away from fools and be with wise people.
Lord, deliver me from fools.
Why is it important to be with wise people?

NARROW GATE TO LIFE Poem devotional

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July 11                                                                          The Power of God’s Word
The gate to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. –Matthew 7:14 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who believe in Christ
There is a narrow gate to life
Only a few ever find this entrance
God’s people are assured of deliverance.
When your life is full of barriers
Your heavenly Father will carry you further
Keep focused on him and he’ll hold your hands
Don’t be distracted; just obey his commands.
Have you been doing things that will lead to the narrow gate or have you chosen the snares by the enemy? When you hear yourself complaining and counting your bad fate, you are probably on the road to that wide gate. If you are a Christian, you wouldn’t want to choose that wide one. Instead, you want to focus on leading to that narrow path that leads to God.
The bible talks about the difference between the gate that leads to God’s kingdom and the one that leads to the enemy. It describes the gate as narrow and difficult and that only a few will ever find it. Are you one of those who found it already or are you nowhere near that gate? Remember that when you encounter trials and difficulties, you are probably near God’s narrow gate.
Lord, lead me to your narrow gate.
Why do you think the gate is narrow in God’s kingdom?


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July 10                                                                        The Power of God’s Word
How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying his commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. – Psalm 112:1-2 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Reverence for God is the foundation of true wisdom
Those who are godly will have a place in his kingdom
How joyful are those who delight in obeying his commands
Their children will be blessed in God’s mighty hands.
You need not be materially rich to hand down a legacy
You are loved by your heavenly father faithfully
An entire generation of godly people will be blessed
They will victoriously defeat the enemy and pass all tests.
Do you have the right treasures that your children can inherit? A responsible parent invests on the future of their children and the coming generations. The best inheritance you can hand down is “love for God.” All the wealth in the world can never compare to God’s promises to those who love him.
God repays those who are faithful with a legacy. He brings joy to those who honor him and delight in his commands. He promises an entire generation of blessings and success in everything they undertake. The parents will be wealthy and their good deeds will last forever. What an awesome promise!
Lord, grant me a hunger for you.
How much time have you invested in God that benefits your lineage?


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July 9                                                                                   The Power of God’s Word
If you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual and demonic.
–James 3:14-15 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you find yourself longing for someone or something you don’t have?
Do you feel empty and compare yourself with others and obsess for love?
If you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart
Don’t cover up the truth; seek God first, be faithful and he will impart.
Jealousy is a poison that contaminates your whole person
It can disguise itself in compliments, concern or reason
Jealousy is rooted in selfishness, pride and envy
It binds you to lies and is a scheme of the enemy.
Watch out for any form of jealousy in your life! The bible cautions us in Galatians 5:19-21 about the manifestations of the sinful nature. Jealousy is one of them. Many bible stories show the aftermath of jealousy. Cain killed Abel because of jealousy. Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him because their father favored Joseph more than them. Saul plotted to exterminate David because of jealousy. Jealousy roots from selfishness and is not from God.
Lord, keep me away from any form of envy or jealousy.
How do you deal with jealousy according to the book of James?


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July 8                                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies. They dig a deep pit to trap others then fall into it themselves.
–Psalm 7: 14-15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you conceive things that are evil or pure?
Are you easily trapped by the tactics of the devil and lured?
Those who are sinful conceive wickedness and are full of trouble
They give birth to lies which lead them to the rubbles.
Those who choose to turn away from righteousness
They dig a trap when they opt for wickedness
If you stay in God’s word and believe in him
You will avoid the folly of iniquity and be redeemed.
Have you ever experienced trouble after trouble? When you do, think carefully what your mind has been preoccupied with. Likely, selfishness and evil lurk inside you. This is why we have been cautioned to guard our hearts and choose only thoughts that are pure, lovely and beautiful. Once your mind swings to the negative realm and dwells on the self, the door opens for the enemy to consume you with wickedness. The bible says that the wicked conceive evil. They are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies. The folly of wickedness is that they dig a deep pit which they themselves fall into.
Lord, keep me aligned with your truth.
Why is it important to avoid evil always?


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July 7                                                                                   The Power of God’s Word
Who may worship in your sanctuary Lord? Who may enter your presence in your holy hill? Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends.–Psalm 15:1,3 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you find yourself discussing other people’s faults to someone?
Be wary when a person engages you to judge anyone
Think and say only what is honorable, pure and lovely
Bring corrections to the person directly and gently.
Gossip desecrates the house of the Lord
He despises chattering that doesn’t bring him laud
He welcomes in his house those who refuse to speak evil of others
It brings him much honor when you respect your sisters and brothers.
There are many bible verses that mentions about gossip and how God loathes it. Proverbs 20:19 cautions us from those who tells secrets and not hang around with chatterers. Matthew 12:36 tells us that you must give an account for every idle word you speak. Philippians 4:8 suggests the things we must think about. It says to fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise. Gossip desecrates God. He doesn’t want you to worship and enter his presence when you engage in it or harm your neighbors or speak evil of others. Avoid partaking in it.
Lord, deliver me from gossip and gossipers.
How do you deal with gossip and gossipers?