canada day 2011 003

Aug 21                                                            The Power of God’s Word
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. – Psalm 56:8(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord knows and keeps track of all your sorrows
Whenever you feel down and seems there is no tomorrow
He wants you to trust him as you go through life’s battles
He has collected all your tears in your own bottle.
God keeps track of all your pain and suffering
He keeps a record of all the difficulties you are enduring
He knows every detail of your anguish
He wants you to overcome it and flourish.
Do you ever feel hopeless or helpless in your life? Sometimes life’s challenges can bring a person down. I used to be a pessimist and easily drawn to negativity. God has transformed me into a grateful person. He taught me to count my blessings and I kept a thank you diary since I was in my twenties. After many years of listing all the things I can be thankful for, I noticed how my negativity had melted down.
The bible tells us that God keeps track of all our sorrows. He collects all our tears in our assigned bottles and records everything. He knows every detail of our pain.
Lord, thank you for loving me much.
Why is it important to be grateful for all that we have?

INTO THE LIGHT Poem Devotional

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Aug 20                                                   The Power of God’s Word
Yes, I am sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.– Acts 26:17-18(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you had no faith in the Lord
You were in chains and couldn’t soar
Jesus came to bring you into the light
Grab his hands and you will have life.
When you believed, you are combating evil
When you forgive, you are challenging the devil
You were ordered to bring others into the light
A place in his kingdom will be your reward for sharing your life.
There are so many people who do not even know their life’s purpose. It is sad to see that even believers live in darkness and confusion. Our guide to living are all laid out clearly in the bible. So many people read it for information and never get revelations from the spirit of God. We were given this map for life so that we can enjoy our lives and proclaim his glory. God gave his one and only Son to free us from sin and bring us into the light.
The people of God are commissioned to open the eyes of unbelievers from darkness to light and from evil to God’s righteousness and glory.
Lord, help me to partake in bringing people into your light.
Whom have you brought into the light by your witnessing?

GOD’S POWER Poem Devotional

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Aug 19                                                                 The Power of God’s Word
What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes, no one can open.
– Revelation 3:7(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you realize how much power God has?
He can let you move on and forget the past
God can close doors that no one can
He has the power to alleviate your pain.
What he opens, no one else can close
He will protect believers from all evil and foes
He only allows what is good for us
He will test our strength so we can pass.
Has God opened doors and opportunities for you to grow or has he actually closed something that you enjoyed so long?
God opened doors in my life that brought so much recognition to me. He gave me teaching, acting, and painting careers simultaneously. He made me do things that I normally could not do. Later on, it became the source of pride. God took it away from me because it was destroying my priorities. He opened the chance for me to display his power but I used it to idolize myself. It is like a child being given a new toy and that child never wants to let go of it. It was consuming the child’s time and energy. God took it away from me so I can focus only on him.
Lord, give me discernment and trust.
Why is it important to trust God no matter what?

NOTHING ON MY OWN Poem Devotional

canadablooms 019 (2)Aug 18                                                        The Power of God’s Word
I do nothing on my own but say only what the father taught me.
– John 8:28(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Can you do anything without Christ?
Without God’s guide, there will be no light
Jesus did nothing on his own
He reaped what his father sown.
If you believe in the Lord
You must bring him all applaud
You can do nothing without the father
You must love all your sisters and brothers.
Many years of my life, I lived for pleasing the “self.” That was what the world taught me to be. I aimed at a goal to achieve and success at getting it was something to be proud of. My parents taught me the value of setting goals and working hard at achieving reaching them.”If I focused on achieving my goals, I will be a success” became my philosophy for a long time. Sadly, no matter how much achievements I got, I still felt empty and lost. The only time I felt peace and joy was when I was freed from this worldly principle of taking pride in my achievements. The bible convicted me of my pride in my own work.
Jesus did nothing out of his own, but only did what God taught him. He spoke only what God would say and did what he commanded.
Lord, I completely surrender to you.
Why do we need to align our life to God’s will?







Aug 17                                            The Power of God’s Word
If you had really known me, you would know who my father is.
– John 14:7(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
If you really know me, you would follow
If you seek me, you would have tomorrow
If you love me, you will obey my father
If you want me, you will care for others.
Those who hunger and want a relationship with me
They will get healed from their brokenness and be free
Once you know who I am, you’d know my father
You are my disciple if you care for your sisters and brothers.
Have you ever desired to know someone deeply? The word love has been so misused and abused that many people hardly know what it really means. To love someone is to know him or her so intimately. How can people claim that they love somebody when they hardly know anything about that person? It is a shame to say you love someone and yet not have the desire to want to know him or her deeply.
The bible claims in John 14:7 that if we know Jesus, then we know who the heavenly father is as well. This verse tells us that the Son and the Father are one. Jesus represented God. He made him amongst us so we can know him.
Lord, give me a hunger to know you.
Why is it important to seek to follow and know Jesus?


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Aug 16                                                                           The Power of God’s Word
Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.
– Luke 10:19(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you aware of your enemy’s tactics?
Do you allow him to use his tricks?
Believers are given authority over the enemy
Exercise it by keeping peace and embracing humility.
If you believe in Christ, you have nothing to worry
His sacrifice on the cross has granted you victory
You need to expose the lies with God’s word
Keep a close relationship with the Lord.
Are you aware that you have an unseen enemy daily who attacks you every moment they can sneak? Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. They are invisible so we must be able to sense and discern when they are attacking. Sadly, many Christians are not even aware of this truth and that’s why the enemy easily manipulates them like puppets.
The bible tells us that we have authority over the enemy and we need not fear because we can walk amongst them and crush them. Nothing can hurt us when we are God’s people.
Lord, help me to have the confidence to exercise my authority over the enemy.
Why is it important to wear God’s armor at all times?



Aug 15                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
– Ephesians 3:10 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you belong to the body of Christ?
Does God use you to shine his light?
The purpose of the church is to display God’s wisdom
It is to combat the unseen rulers who attack His kingdom.
This is why we need to be part of Christ’s body
It shows that we are his soldiers marching for victory
It displays God’s wisdom in its rich variety
It diminishes evil and darkness caused by the enemy.
There are many believers who do not go to church because of past experiences that were unpleasant. Some Christians justify that since they are reading the bible daily and following Christ, they need not be part of a church. As believers, we are expected to partake in the body of Christ. As family members of the church, we all have roles to play in preaching the good news and spreading his kingdom.
God’s purpose for the church is to display his wisdom to the unseen rulers. When we participate in church, we are like God’s soldiers bravely taking part in his warfare with the spirit realm.
Lord, give me courage to be your soldier.
Why do we need to be part of a church?


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Aug 14                                                                      The Power of God’s Word
He knows everything, doesn’t he also know what you are doing? The Lord knows people’s thoughts; he knows they are worthless. – Psalm 94:10-11(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What are your thoughts today?
Do you allow God to renew your mind every day?
God knows every thought and action each person does
Do you really think you can hide from his care and love?
He knows our thoughts are worthless
Yet he doesn’t condemn or love us any less
He wants us to be transformed into his likeness
God’s word protects us from evil and darkness.
Have you ever met anyone who can guess what you are thinking every moment? Only God knows everything. So many people sin by assuming or presuming they know people’s thoughts and intentions. Most of us don’t even realize that it is a sin to dwell on theories about someone’s thoughts or guess why people do things. We are not God, so we don’t have the power to read into other people’s minds or intentions. It is an act of pride and arrogance to do so.
The bible tells us that it is only God who knows everything. He knows people’s thoughts which are worthless. That is why he gave us his words to train our thoughts to become pure like his.
Lord, never allow me to presume anything.
Why do you think God wants us to stop assuming or presuming things?



Aug 13                                                                           The Power of God’s Word
He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. – Psalm 147:3 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Who has hurt you my child?
You need not run from me or hide?
I am your father who loves you so
Why do you keep listening to your foes?
I am your Lord, the healer of the brokenhearted
I will bandage your wounds and get you mended
I have come to rescue you and grant you salvation
Believe in me and you will get total renewal and restoration.
We were all made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). God is love (1John 4:8). When someone does not walk in love, he or she is not fulfilling what God has designed them to be.
Let’s take the example of an artist’s life. He puts his heart, mind and soul to create a masterpiece. The canvas has no life on its own. It is at the painter who will decide what to put in it. He has total control of where he wants his work to go, what to put and what to subtract. He removes the undesirable areas of his work to turn it into a masterpiece.
God is the healer of the brokenhearted. He heals them and bandages their wounds. God transforms us so we can become the masterpieces he originally planned us to be.
Lord, mold me into your image.
How has God dealt with your brokenness?



Aug 12                                                                The Power of God’s Word
The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Psalm 20:8(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord’s commands are right
They bring joy to the heart
The word of God breaks all confusion
When you seek it, you will have a revelation.
The commandments are clear
It drives all conflicts and fear
They guide us and give insight for living
It helps us from wondering and wandering.
Have you ever travelled to a new place without a map or a tourist guide? Can you imagine how lost you would be and how much time can be wasted wandering around and figuring out which way to go? Travel agencies help you make your vacation trips more enjoyable and less chaotic. With access to internet, you can now plan your holiday outings from other people’s experience of the places and how they rate it. To enjoy our trips we need to have a plan. It is the same in life. Without preparation and guidelines, we can’t enjoy life and have peace.
The bible says that the commandments of God are right and clear. It brings joy to us and insight for living. Without God’s truth, we will be wandering or even be lost. We need a map.
Lord, help me to follow your commands.
How do you avail of the guidelines that God gave you?