BORN OF THE SPIRIT Poem Devotional

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Sept 30                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word

I assure you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. – John 3:5-6 (NLT)          


A poem and essay by ILMA

Are you born of water and the Spirit?

Do you adhere to God’s word and live it?

Humans can reproduce only human life

The Holy Spirit can bring you discernment and insight.

I assure you, only those born of the Spirit can enter God’s kingdom

The spirit can get you out of bondage to sin and lead you to freedom

Soak in the Holy Spirit so you will know God’s will for you

Allow him to live inside your heart and constantly renew.

There was a time in my life when the Spirit was so alive in me. Those were the years when I was transitioning form a wayward life into the life that Christ wanted for me. As my nature dictated, I was mostly inclined to follow its selfish desires, but the Spirit of God entered my heart as soon as I asked God to save me.

The bible says that no one can enter God’s kingdom unless we are born of water and the Spirit because only the Holy Spirit can give birth to a spiritual life.


Lord, never let me grieve your Spirit.


How can you let the Spirit stay in your heart?


FOR more testimonials about God’s word, please check my youtube videos on ILMA BARAYUGA-DOHERTY’s poem devotionals or you can go to my website at and check the posts. If you want to receive daily poem devotionals from me, just email me at



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Sept 29                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word
I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. – John 3:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you looking forward to see God’s kingdom?
Are you free from sin and enjoy freedom?
Are you inclined to be good or remain a sinner?
Do you allow the enemy to lose or be the winner?
Unless you are born again, you cannot see heaven
Abiding in his will makes you one of his children
Be like these little ones who are pure in their spirits
If you live by God’s word, you’ll always want to seek Him.
What does it take to see the kingdom of God? Many believers have many views about this. Even the apostles and disciples of Jesus in their time didn’t comprehend what are the prerequisites to enter the heavenly realm. When Jesus was teaching, some of the children were gathered around him, but some of his disciples where shooing away these little ones. So, Jesus told them that unless they become like these little children, they won’t enter the kingdom of God.
The reply of Jesus to his apostles when they asked how to see the kingdom of God is to be born again. They didn’t realize that Jesus was speaking of being born by the spirit.
Lord, help me to stay pure to see your kingdom.
When were you born again?


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Sept 28                                                             The Power of God’s Word
It is not important who does the planting or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. -1 Corinthians 3:7 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you still do the same old things you used to be?
Are you constantly changing your ways to become free?
Do you listen to those who bring you closer to God?
Are you contented with life and your status quo?
It is not important who does the planting or watering
What matters is that God makes the growing
Live your life in the Spirit and be in constant harmony
You will reap a harvest of love, joy and tranquility.
“Change” is the only constant thing in this world. When people resist it, many things happen to them. Human nature clamor for control over things and situations. “Change” can disturb the comfort zone. Many fears arise from “change” because of the fact that it is something new. We cling to the “power of knowing” because we are in control if we do. We don’t want to let go of that power.
The bible says that it’s not important who plant or water the seeds of God’s word because it is God who makes it grow. God makes everything work out for good.
Lord, show me how to let go of control and embrace “change.”
What changes in your life are you still resisting?


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Sept 27                                                       The Power of God’s Word
For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him? But we understand these things for we have the mind of Christ.
-1 Corinthians 2:16 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know the Lord’s thoughts?
Are you still in confusion and lost?
Who can have the mind of Christ?
It is only for those who never lose sight.
How can anyone comprehend the spiritual realm?
The believer knows because the spirit of God tells
Faith will cause you to understand and get discernment
Focus on his grace and mercy to receive enlightenment.
If you are unbeliever trying to understand the mind of Christ, I assure you that you will never be able to comprehend his thoughts and ways. I tried very hard when I wasn’t born again. The more I relied on human wisdom, the more I get confused. As soon as I seek his word and studied it, I got revelations and understanding of his truth in Scriptures.
The bible says that the only way we can know the Lord’s thoughts is when we seek his word faithfully and obey what it says. If we faithfully search for the truth, it will set us free and clear our minds and heart. When we get purified, Christ will reveal himself to us.
Lord, reveal yourself to me more each day.
Why is it essential for a Christian to seek God daily?


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Sept 26                                                                  The Power of God’s Word
When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual things. -1 Corinthians 2:13 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Christians who develop a relationship with Jesus Christ
They are used to fulfill the promises and are given insights
They become channels of his Spirit for his kingdom’s benefit
The people of God turn into temples of the Holy Spirit.
When someone is filled with the spirit of the Lord
They allow themselves to be used to give him laud
They use the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual things
They agree to be an instrument to bring life and victory.
Agreement is a very important aspect of success and victory. That is why a lot of businesses thrive when they come in agreement with the right partners or clientele. When people become believers, they are expected to be in agreement with his Spirit and to be an active participant in the body of Christ which is comprised of all believers.
Paul explains to the Corinthians that when he teaches spiritual things to them about God’s kingdom, it is not his own words that come from his mouth, but he becomes a mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, thank you for putting words in my mouth.
Do you hear God’s spirit in your heart?


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Sept 25                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
And we have received God’s spirit (not the world’s spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. -1 Corinthians 2:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you inclined to help others or satisfy yourself?
Are you bold to proclaim God’s word or do you play safe?
The people of God listens and hears God’s spirit
They follow his commands and faithfully live it.
It is the Spirit that tells us when we do wrong
He makes us recognize sin and not stay there long
God has freely given us many wonderful promises
We must allow the spirit to live in us so we won’t miss it.
Some Christians do not recognize the spirit of God living in them. If you have God’s spirit, you will get revelations from God. Derek Prince, a Christian preacher says that a believer hears God’s voice. The bible says that the people of God recognize his voice. How do they know his voice? It is God’s spirit dwelling in their hearts that helps them identify God’s voice. So, if God’s spirit lives in your heart, you will know it. The moment we believe in God and Jesus, the spirit of God lives in our hearts. Are you able to distinguish if it is God’s spirit in you?
Lord, live in me.
What can you do to allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in you?


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Sept 24                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
No eye has seen, no ear has heard; and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. -1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know what’s in store for those who love God?
Seek him with all your heart; you’ll be at peace and be glad
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has envisioned
Faithful believers will be taken cared off for all seasons.
No one can know the Lord’s thoughts unless the Spirit reveals
Human wisdom can never totally comprehend God’s will
Only God’s Spirit can help you evaluate all things
Without him, there will be confusion and chaos in everything.
I used to feed my mind with logic and reasoning. In fact, I even taught high school students the foundations of Logic and Public Speaking. The art of Persuasion was something that I enjoyed. I didn’t realize until the Holy Spirit revealed to me that it wasn’t the way of God but it was the world’s system.
Scripture says that there is no one who can fathom the mind of God. No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. Only the spiritual can understand what the Spirit reveals to them.
Lord, protect me from human reasoning.
Why is it important not to rely much on human wisdom?


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Sept 23                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
No, the wisdom we speak of is the mystery of God-his plan that was previously hidden, even though he made it for our ultimate glory before the world began.
-1 Corinthians 2:7 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Did you know that God planned for you before the world began?
He already knew from the beginning what you would become
God the Father had great plans for you long before you came
He created you in his image so that like him, you will also reign.
He reveals the mystery of his plan to those who have faith in him
The Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts of all those who believe
If you dwell in him and seek the truth that comes from his word
He will fulfill all his promises and bring you victory over the world.
Are you feeling down and defeated? Has life been a struggle for you lately? Be glad for the Lord promised that he will bless those who are poor, grieving and those who hunger and thirst for justice. Before the world began, God had a master plan for you. This mystery is revealed to you through the Holy Spirit and written in the book of life, the bible.
Lord, make me hunger for your words every day.
How are you responding to the legacy he gave you so that you can enjoy all the fullness of his promises?

SIMPLE AND CLEAR Poem Devotional

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Sept 22                                                                The Power of God’s Word
I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan.
-1 Corinthians 2:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you use simple words to tell others of God’s plan?
Are others focusing on your prowess or on God’s son?
Whenever we try to impress others with lofty words
We are walking on the brink of following the standards of this world.
The Spirit tells us the precise words to use
He never misleads people or makes them confused
It is the enemy that wants people to be perplexed
The devil’s strategy is to make simple things more complex.
I used to be a very complex person. Attention to details and analyzing things gave me so much pleasure until the Lord revealed to me that it was a stronghold in my life. I always wanted to have an answer whenever my mind starts figuring out how something works or how someone thinks. It kept me in the wheel of worry and judgment. It became an impediment for me to enjoy life and to accept others as they were.
The bible tells us that Paul talks about using simple and precise words to tell others of God’s secret plan. He discourages believers to use lofty words and impressive wisdom. God is very clear with his plan, no gray areas.
Lord, thank you for being clear.
Why is precision and clarity important in preaching God’s word?


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Sept 21                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
For the Father himself loves you dearly because you love me and believe that I came from God. –John 16:27 (NLT)

A poem and essay by ILMA
You reap a harvest of blessings because you love me
Those who love me will have peace and be free
For the Father loves you dearly because of your faith
HIs promises will be fulfilled and you will feel great.
You will spread love to your sisters and brothers
Because you love me, you will take care of each other
Your obedience to my word will manifest in your life
It will bring to completion your purpose of being the light.
Have you ever been in love? Do you remember how elated you were when you were at the stage of courtship? It was invigorating when you were all bubbly and excited to know this person more and experience his or her love. Because you love this person, you got into commitment and probably married him or her. As you become one, you learn to accept each other and try to learn to do everything out of love.
The bible promises those who believe that they will have the love of God the father if they continually believe in Jesus Christ. They will experience the same love that was given to Christ by God.
What an honor to be loved by you, heavenly Father.
Does your life manifest the love of God?