ALL HAVE SINNED Poem Devotional

June 30
Who can say “I have cleansed my heart; I am pure and free from sin?”
– Proverbs 20:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Who can say that they have not sinned?
Since man’s fall, humans are not totally free
Only in Christ will we be cleansed
Without him, we will have no defense.
Whenever we deny our sins and don’t repent
We open doors for the enemy to torment
All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory
Let us run to Jesus so we can have victory.
1 John 3:4 defines sin as lawlessness. Being lawless is synonymous to being a rebel or someone who is disobedient. The story of the fall of man in Genesis reminds us of the first rebels on earth, Adam and Eve. Because of their disobedience, the whole mankind suffered and we inherited “sin.” It made us all prone to lawlessness. It imprinted us all to have the tendency to disobey rather than to submit.
Despite our natural tendency to sin, God showed us how much he loves us by giving his only Son to pay the debt for our transgressions. Although all have sinned, God gave us a way out through the sacrifice of his Son. He only wants us to confess and repent of our sins and he is ready to forgive anyone who asks for his forgiveness.
Lord, help us to have the humility to come back to you and ask for forgiveness whenever we sin.
How can one protect himself from lawlessness?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

THE MARK OF HONOR Poem Devotional

June 29
Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling. -Proverbs 20:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you avoid quarrels at all cost?
Or do you insist on being the boss?
It is a mark of honor when you avoid fights
Pursue peace, that’s what God wants in our lives.
When you walk in love, there’s no room for conflicts
God wants us to love others and walk in the Spirit
Remember to follow Christ who always served others
He commanded us to love our sisters and brothers.
When people grow up in the midst of conflicts, they automatically react to life either defensively or offensively. I witnessed a life of passive aggression. I didn’t know what peace looked like because I didn’t have a role model for it. When I reached high school, I didn’t realize how much I thrived in arguing. It became mechanical to respond to things by arguing to proving myself right. It was difficult to concede to any suggestions that didn’t jive with my ideas. It became an obsession to argue and I lost so many relationships because of this foolish pursuit. Pride became my lifestyle and I didn’t realize that I was my own idol. Thanks be to God that he delivered me from this and showed me that he wants me to pursue peace at all cost. Avoiding fights is a mark of honor.
Lord, help me to choose peace all the time.
How can you change a high conflict personality?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


June 28
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are weighed down. The LORD loves the godly. – Psalm 146:8(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What are you struggling with nowadays?
Are you discouraged and feeling down today?
The Lord lifts those who are tired and weary
He will comfort those who are feeling dreary.
God loves those who are righteous and godly
He guides them all and brings them victory
He opens the eyes of the blind and lets them see
Believe and commit your life to Christ and you’ll be free
When we are weighed down by many challenges in our lives, it is natural to feel discouraged. When one becomes a believer and commits to Jesus, the tendency to follow one’s nature changes. When we become born again, we see things new because the Lord transform the way we think and see things. While we were still unbelievers and living in sin, we become blind to see the truth. Only God’s Holy Spirit can open the eyes of the blind, we cannot do it in our own. It is very essential for a Christian to deepen their relationship with the Lord so they can be set free. The Lord loves all his creation but most especially those who lead a godly life. He comforts and provides for all his people.
Thank you Lord that you comfort us when we are weighed down and lost.
Who do you run to for comfort when you are feeling down?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


June 27
Let all that I am praise the Lord. – Psalm 146:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Jesus Christ died to give his life for you
He loves you so and wants you to be renewed
Let all that you are praise the Lord Almighty
He is the only one that can bring you victory.
Bring your heart, mind and soul to your Creator
Be faithful to devote your life to your only Savior
Wholehearted worship makes you intimate with God
It brings your focus to pleasing your Father up above.
“Worship” is an active response to the character, words and actions of God, initiated by His revelation and enabled by His redemption, whereby the mind is transformed, the heart is renewed and actions are surrendered all in accordance with His will and in order to declare His infinite worthiness. In both Hebrew and Greek, there are two categories of words for worship. The first is about body language that demonstrates respect and submission; to bow down, to kneel, to prostrate oneself. The second is about doing something for God that demonstrates sacrifice and obedience; to offer, to serve.
So how can a believer manifest wholehearted worship? A Christian may use different ways to worship the Lord, but the main point in worship is to give yourself to your creator and focus only your whole being to glorifying the most divine and holy person, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for giving me a chance to worship you Lord.
How do you worship the Lord?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


June 26
Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A family splintered by feuding will fall apart.– Luke 11:17(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Where there is a disagreement and fighting
Follows shattered vision and victorious living
Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed
A family splintered by feuding will not bloom.
Let go of divisions and embrace peace
Be grateful that you are not bound but free
Division destroys all kinds of relationships
Do not let it be a hindrance to growing friendships.
When there is a sign of disorder, there usually is division that caused it. Many relationships can be challenged by disagreements and lack of respect and communication. Many things can cause breakdowns in a church, an organization or company, marriages, family or friendships. Division usually is one of the major causes of many broken relationships and communities.
My first husband and I were very divided in terms of our beliefs, culture and traditions, way of thinking and preferences over many issues. It completely destroyed my ideals and my vision of what a marriage should be. I thank the Lord for delivering me from this ungodly and destructive relationship. The Lord allowed my wrong choice to happen so that I can learn to let go of things that will take me away from him.
Where there is division, love cannot thrive and faith won’t grow. Agreement is essential in walking in love.
Lord, help me to be able to agree with all your truth.
Why is an agreement essential in any relationship or partnership?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

GET UP AND GO Poem Devotional

June 25
“Young man” he said. I tell you. “Get up!” – Luke 7:14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When we are asleep, we accomplish less
Standing up and start moving keep us afresh
Get up and go is a command to spring to life
It protects us from believing the devil’s lies.
When we limit ourselves from our potentials
We are asleep, let’s focus on what’s essential
Take all weaknesses to Jesus and arise
It will free you from bondage and you will thrive.
There are many verses in the bible that we hear God or Jesus commanding someone to get up or arise. In Leviticus 19:32, God commands Moses to rise up and revere God. In Joshua 7:10, the Lord asks Joshua to rise up because he has fallen on his face. Isaiah 52:2 was a message to Jerusalem to rise up and shake themselves out from the dust. The prophet Micah in chapter 2 verse 10 was summoned to arise and go because of the destruction of uncleanliness. In 2 Samuel 19:7, he was commanded to go out and speak kindly to his servant.
Almost all the miraculous healing of Jesus included this command to “Get up” or “Arise.” Why did the bible use this words often, especially to those significant persons that God gave the anointing? The act of getting up is an active stance while sleeping and not doing something is likened to being dead.
Lord, help me to always obey when you command me to arise.
What bondages or weaknesses have God asked you to rise from?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

BIG LEAP OF FAITH Poem Devotional

June 24
I am not even worthy to come and meet you. Just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed. -Luke 7:7(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Growing their faith is crucial to all believers
Without it, they will easily be targeted by the deceiver
The centurion’s humility was worth emulating
Jesus cited him to have big faith worth following.
Abraham, David, Mary, Joseph, Daniel and also Moses
They all are examples of faith, they received God’s promises
Why don’t we all make a big leap to prove that we believe
Totally surrender to Jesus and you will definitely receive.
It is one thing to say that you believe in Jesus and another thing to actually exercise it. Talking about what you believe may not necessarily jive with that you are doing. In this verse, we witness the epitome of humility and faith in the centurion’s story. The centurions were high officials in the Roman empire and they had servants. In Luke 7:2, a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, whom he highly valued. When he heard about Jesus, he went to see him so his servant can be healed. What was amazing with this humble officer was to plead Jesus even at his position, to heal his servant. Even more astounding, was his words that he wasn’t worthy, but Jesus’ word is enough to heal his servant.
Lord, give me faith like the centurion.
Share a big leap of faith that you witnessed to Jesus.
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

PRAY IN SOLITUDE Poem Devotional

June 23
Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. – Luke 5:16 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you pray, go to a place of solitude
It will set you for the right attitude
To spend time with the Lord requires intimacy
It allows you to hear his voice easily.
Even Jesus withdrew often to pray in the wilderness
He took all the chance to be with God regularly
Pour out your heart and spend time to pray quietly
The Lord waits on you to make him your priority.
The movie “War Room” inspires us believers to find a place where we can cry our hearts out to the Lord in prayer. In it, the wife converted a walk in closet to be her war room where she puts sticky notes all over the walls with her requests and spends much time with God. She learned how to do this from a much older woman whose life was focused on getting down on her knees and being intimate with the Lord. As she went deeper in prayer, she got transformed into a new person. The husband and daughter witnessed how changed she was that they became curious what was in the closet. As they discovered all the prayer requests, they too began to follow what she was doing. Their family got renewed. Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness to pray in solitude. No distractions.
Lord, help me to find time to always be in solitude with you.
What would your advice be to someone who is new in praying?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.c

SIDETRACKED Poem Devotional

June 22
Don’t get sidetracked, keep your feet from following evil. – Proverbs 4:27(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Different distractions may veer you away from doing right
Don’t get sidetracked but keep your eyes on Jesus Christ
The enemy’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy you
What are you doing to keep your mind constantly renewed?
Paying attention on what’s not your priority
Will keep you away from reaching victory
Keep focused on truth that comes from the word
It will protect you from the corruption in this world.
Cambridge English dictionary defines “sidetracked” as directing one’s attention away from an activity or subject towards another one that is less important. Notice how the discrepancy of this act is caused by shifting priorities. Many people live distracted lives simply because they have not set their priorities and managed their time.
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a neuro-plastic scientist who teaches how to switch the brain from negative to positive thoughts and thereby change the way one thinks. She tells us that it takes 21 days to train your brain to get rid of toxic thoughts and another 21 days to replace it. It can even take more than 21 days if you allow yourself to be sidetracked by negative self-talk and fail to regularly keep track of your thoughts.
The bible says that we must not allow ourselves to get sidetracked from doing right by following evil ways.
Lord, deliver me from all kinds of distractions.
How can we learn not to be sidetracked by evil and unimportant things?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


June 21
Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you. – Proverbs 4:25(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Is there something that distracts you from Christ?
Do you get consumed with busy-ness and life?
Look straight and focus on what lies ahead
Count your blessings and always be glad.
Do not listen to the lies of the enemy
It will divert you from receiving the victory
When you fix your eyes on Jesus Christ
You will find wisdom to do what is right.
Have you ever learned to ride a bike? The first thing they ask you is to look straight ahead so that you don’t lose your balance. Even in dancing, the instructors ask you to have a straight posture and chin up. They discourage you from looking down at your feet as you are learning the steps. In driving, you also need to look ahead even though you are being conscious of your peripheral vision. It keeps you from head on collisions and other life threatening accidents. Many accidents now are caused by distracted driving.
The same is true in life, you need to focus on what lies ahead and not be consumed by the situation and challenges you are going through. When you don’t look ahead, you will likely be discouraged, lose hope and find no meaning in life. Fix your eyes on Jesus.
Lord, thank you that I can look up to you and you’ll never fail me.
How can being distracted with worldly stuff prevent us from reaching our goals?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at