May 31
A poem by ILMA
When King Xerxes discovered Haman’s plot to kill the Jews including Esther
He immediately confronted him and protected his beloved queen
He respected and loved Esther despite the discovery she was a Jew
He had the wisdom to evaluate the deeds of Mordecai and Esther.
Though deceived by Haman’s seeming manipulation of his position
Xerxes read the report how he was saved from being killed by Mordecai
He realized how he needed to honor this man who protected his life
At the realization of the evil scheme of Haman, he was able to reverse it.
The king honored his queen by protecting her and saving the Jews
It wasn’t hard to treat Esther kindly and respectfully as she exampled it
He showed much love and reverence for her that anything she asked was given
He took back a decree for the Jews to be annihilated issued by his official Haman.
It was out of love and respect that Xerxes took action to correct wrong decree
He had such a desire to please his wife by humbly complying to her request
He saved the people his wife loved by allowing them to have equal rights
Xerxes is an epitome of a man who would do anything for his wife.
Then Esther went again before the king, falling down at his feet and begging him with tears to stop the evil plot devised by Haman the Agagite against the Jews. – Esther 7:3
Read: Esther 5-8
How interesting it is to see King Xerxes treat his former Queen Vashti very differently from Queen Esther. If we closely look at how the king asked counsel from elders about Vashti and how he evaluated the book of records showing Mordecai’s heroic deed to save his life, we will clearly see a very wise and fair person. He knows how to treat people according to their behavior. Since Esther sowed love and respect, that’s what she reaped.
• How can integrity of character purge an evil plot and bring about justice?


May 30
A poem by ILMA
King Xerxes and Haman went to Queen Esther’s banquet
The king said to Esther that he’d give her anything just request
Esther requested the king that her life and her people be spared
She told her that she was a Jew and that her life was threatened.
Xerxes was enraged when he found out it was Haman’s plan
He asked how he has the nerve to do that right his very eyes
Then the king’s attendant covered Haman’s face, signalling his doom
He reported that a 75 feet sharpened pole was intended for Mordecai.
Xerxes ordered to pierce Haman on that same pole and his anger subsided
Esther requested again the king to save her people as the decree has been set
So, he summoned all of his secretaries and a decree was sent to save the Jews
Mordecai sent the dispatches by swift messengers who rode fast horses.
The king’s decree gave the Jews in every city authority to defend themselves
They were allowed to kill, slaughter and annihilate those who’ll attack them
Each provinces and city where the kings decree arrived, the Jews rejoiced
Many people of the land became Jews themselves, for they feared the Jews.
The king’s decree gave the Jews in every city authority to unite and defend their lives.
– Esther 8:11
Read: Esther 7-8
What a twist of events from Mordecai’s evil plot to kill all the Jews to him being impaled on a pole that he meant for Mordecai. God exhibits his faithfulness to protect and ensure that his people will be saved. The respect of King Xerxes for his wife and Mordecai led for this twist of events. God’s plan worked but Mordecai’s failed.
• Will you be able to risk your life to save another believer like Esther did?
• What traits did Esther and Mordecai exhibited that opened the eyes of the King?


May 29
A poem by ILMA
When Mordecai learned about Haman’s decree to kill all Jews
He tore his clothes and put on burlap and wailed in mourning
As news of the king’s decree reached all the provinces
There was great mourning as well among the Jews.
The Jews fasted and wept and wailed and lay in burlap and ashes
When Esther heard from her maids and eunuchs what happened
She was deeply distressed and sent clothing to Mordecai to replace it
She ordered Hathach the eunuch to find out what’s troubling him.
Mordecai gave Hathach a copy of the decree to kill all the Jews
He asked him to show it to Esther and explain the situation to her
He instructed to tell her to beg the king for mercy for her people
Mordecai reminded Esther that she too will be annihilated.
One night, the king couldn’t sleep and read the records of his reign
He saw how Mordecai have saved his life and realized he wasn’t rewarded
So, he asked Haman what’s to be done for a man who truly pleases the king
And he thought it was for him, not knowing the king wanted to honor Mordecai.
Quick! Take the robes and my horse, and do just as you have said for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the gate of the palace. Leave out nothing you have suggested. – Esther 6:10
Read: Esther4-6
What an interesting twist of the story of someone who plotted to kill the Jews. Haman’s evil plans was exposed and the punishment he planned for Mordecai became for him. We see how God protects the righteous people.
• What was Mordecai’s motive to kill the whole Jewish race?
• What can prayers and fasting do to a person’s life?
• How did the Lord delivered Mordecai from Haman’s evil plans?


May 28
A poem by ILMA
Some time later King Xerxes promoted Haman son of Hammedatha
His position was made the most powerful in the empire of Xerxes
All the king’s officials would bow down before him when he passed by
Everyone paid him respect but there was one who didn’t, Mordecai.
The palace officials asked Mordecai why he refused to bow to Haman
They confronted Mordecai why he wouldn’t comply with the order
So, they told Haman to check if he would tolerate Mordecai’s conduct
Haman was filled with rage when he learned of Mordecai’s was a Jew.
So, he decided it wasn’t enough just to lay hands on Mordecai’s alone
He plotted to annihilate the entire race where he came from
Haman looked for a way to destroy all the Jews in the entire empire
He reported to the king what kind of threats that it would entail to keep them.
The king agreed to Haman’s proposal and handed his signet ring to him
King Xerxes gave him permission to do as he sees fit to the Jews
At the king’s command, the decree went out by swift messengers
A copy of this decree was to be issued as law in every province.
Instead, he looked for a way to destroy all the Jews through the entire empire of Xerxes.
-Esther 3:6
Read: Esther 3
Doesn’t this story of Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews similar to Adolf Hitler’s hatred for the Jews? This character is a clear epitome of wickedness. Only because Haman wouldn’t bow down to him, he plotted to kill the whole race.
• How can the love of power and control bring about destruction in our lives?
• What manipulation tactic did Haman use to convince the king to write that decree to annihilate the Jews?


May 27
A poem by ILMA
Hadassah, who was also called Esther was adopted by Mordecai
When the king deposed the queen, all the young women were brought in
Esther was among those who were brought to the king’s harem in Susa
The one in charge to get all these young women prepared was Hegai.
Hegai was very impressed with Esther and treated her kindly
He quickly ordered a special beauty treatment for Esther
He also assigned her seven maids specially chosen from the palace
Then he moved her and her maids into the best place in the harem.
Esther hid her nationality and family background as Mordecai directed her
Each day, Mordecai took a walk to ensure about his daughter’s welfare
That evening, she was taken to the king’s private rooms then to the second harem
She asked for nothing except what Hegai suggested and she was so much admired.
Esther was taken to King Xerxes at the royal palace in early winter
The king loved Esther more than any of the other young women
He was so delighted with her that he set the royal crown on her head
She was declared queen and the king gave a great banquet for her.
And the king loved Esther more than any of the other young women. He was so delighted with her that he set the royal crown on her head and declared her queen instead of Vashti. – Esther 2:17
Read: Esther 2
Though you may think this was a shallow story of how Esther became crowned as king in our present-day setting, it was a big deal at that time. There were many young women who wanted to be on her position, but it was God’s plan to use Esther to free his people.
• What do you think was the trait of Esther that made her outstanding in the eyes of King Xerxes and the Lord’s eyes?


May 26
A poem by ILMA
There was a Jewish man in the fortress of Susa who was the son of Jair
He was from the tribe of Benjamin and was a descendant of Kish and Shimei
His family had been among those who had been exiled in Babylon
Mordecai had a very young cousin Hadassah who was also called Esther.
When Esther’s father and mother died, Mordecai adopted her as his own
Mordecai had become a palace official in the reign of King Xerxes
One day as Mordecai was on duty at the king’s gate, he heard a plot
It was between two angry door guards who wanted to kill the king.
Mordecai reported the information to Queen Esther and told the king
He was credited for his loyalty and investigation followed
When the plot was verified to be true, Mordecai earned the king’s trust
The two men who were guilty were pierced on a sharpened pole.
When an investigation was made and Mordecai’s story was found to be true, the two men were impaled on a sharpened pole. – Esther 2:23
Read: Esther 2
In the book of Esther, we get a glimpse of the character of Mordecai. He was a very loving and respectable person who took care of his orphaned cousin and treated her as his own daughter. He was very wise and groomed Esther to be the queen to King Xerxes. Another character trait of Mordecai was his loyalty to King Xerxes. He was able to protect the king from an evil plot to assassinate him. This is a righteous and humble trait that is need from all servants and leaders as well.
• Why do you think faithfulness and loyalty are traits that are worth emulating in Mordecai’s character?
• How can we stay honest and truthful to those who have authority over us without compromising our integrity?


May 25
A poem by ILMA
King Xerxes reigned over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia
At that time Xerxes ruled his empire from the fortress at Susa
In the third year of his reign, he gave a banquet for his officials
He invited all the military officers in Persia and Media.
The celebration lasted 180 days-displaying opulent wealth
When it was all over, the king gave all the people a banquet
It included everyone from the greatest to the least of the people
It lasted seven days and was held at the palace garden.
On the seventh day, Xerxes told his eunuchs to bring Queen Vashti
He wanted the nobles and all the other men to gaze at her beauty
She was very beautiful but she refused to obey the King’s order
This made the king very furious and he burned with anger.
Xerxes immediately consulted with his wise advisers about the law
They told him to banish the queen for what she did was totally wrong
They said the queen has wronged not only the king but all citizens
Women will begin to despise heir husbands when they hear of it.
Queen Vashti has wronged not only the king but also every noble and citizen throught your empire. – Esther 1:15
Read: Esther 1
If this story happened today, many women would be angered at why Queen Vashti was deposed just because she didn’t show up to be displayed by her husband to other men. She was deposed because her refusal to the king’s order would set a precedent to all the nobles and citizens to be disobeyed by their women.
• Why do women need to be under authority to their husbands?
• Why is important to follow orders from authority?


May 24
A poem by ILMA
After Peter and John were released by the leading priests and elders
The believers heard the report and lifted their voices in prayer
“O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it
You spoke long ago through David how nations were so angry.”
David prophesied how the kings and rulers gathered against the Lord
They all teamed up together to condemn and crucify the Messiah
In fact, all this happened right in this very city in Israel
But everything they did was already determined long ago.
The believers all pray “Lord, hear their threats and give us courage
We ask for you to give all your servants boldness in preaching the word
Stretch out your hand with healing power so that we can do signs and wonders”
After this, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they preached boldly.
All believers were united in heart and mind and felt a need to share everything
They felt compelled that what they owned was not their own but for everyone
The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
God greatly blessed them and there were no needy people among them.
All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. – Acts 4:32
Read: Acts 4
What awesome works of the Holy Spirit in this account of the apostles after John and Peter were released by the elders and leading priests. We witness the power of the Holy Spirit working in each of them, making them bold to preach the word and testify powerfully to the resurrection of Jesus.
• Share an experience when the Holy Spirit has given you courage and boldness to testify and witness to the resurrection power?


May 23
A poem by ILMA
While Peter and John were speaking to the people
The priests, captain of the Temple guard and Sadducees confronted them
These leaders were very disturbed that Peter and John were teaching
They were disturbed that Jesus was able to resurrect a dead man.
The religious leaders arrested them and because it was evening
Both Peter and John were put in jail until morning
Many people who heard the disciples’ message believed it
So the number of believers now totaled about 5000 men.
The next day, the ruler, elders and religious law met in Jerusalem
Annas the high priest was there and other relatives of the high priest
They brought in the two disciples and they demanded
“By what power or in whose name have you done this?”
Then Peter asked the council “What was wrong with healing a crippled man?”
Peter exclaimed to them that he was healed by Jesus’ powerful name
Jesus, the man they all crucified and whom God raised from the dead
He was referred to in Scriptures the rejected stone that has become the cornerstone
The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. – Acts 4:11
Read: Acts 4
Even after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, the Holy Spirit continued to dwell in the disciples’ hearts and have been given all kinds of miraculous events. Yet, the council of the religious leaders continue to question even the miracles that they themselves witnessed.
• What stops the religious leaders from believing the Jesus was really the Son of God and can do the impossible?


May 22
A poem by ILMA
Peter and John went to the Temple to do the 3 o’clock prayer service
As they approached the Temple, a lame man was being carried
Each day he was put beside the Temple gate called Beautiful gate
When he saw the apostles coming, he asked them and begged.
Peter and John looked at him and said “Look at us!”
The lame man looked at them waiting for money
Peter said “I don’t have silver or gold for you, but I’ll give what I have
He said “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazarene, get up and walk.
Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up
As he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened
He jumped up, stood on his fee, and began to walk, then leaped
Then, leaping and praising God, he went into the Temple with them.
All the people saw him walking and heard him praising God
When they realized he was the lame beggar, they were astounded
They knew that man often at the Beautiful Gate, begging for money
They all rushed to Solomon’s Collonade, where he was holding Peter tightly.
I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk. – Acts 3:6
Read: Acts 3
This miracle of Peter making the crippled man walk is amazing. It made the witnesses see the power of God and. It also showed the dependence of Peter on God’s power and his humility to admit that he can’t offer anything else but God.
• How often do we share God’s presence, his love, and his mercy to those we love and to those who hurt us?
• How is it that the man only asked for money and was healed instead?