May 21
A poem by ILMA
When some people ridiculed all the believers who were speaking in tongues
Peter stepped forward clarified they weren’t drunk but explained prophecy
He told the people that God will pour his Spirit upon all people
Sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will have visions.
The Spirit will also be poured on servants – men and women alike
Peter continues to preach the prophet Joel’s prophecy
The Spirit will cause wonders in the heaven’s above
Signs on the earth below-blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red
Before the day of the Lord arrives, all who calls on him will be saved
Peter preached the Israelites, “God endorses Jesus to do miracles
He also knew what would happen and the plan was to be carried out.
God released Jesus from the horrors of death and raised him from it
King David said this about him “He is always with me and will not be shaken
Peter told the people that David wasn’t talking about himself but the Messiah
God raised Jesus from the dead, and all of us, are all witnesses to this.
David was looking into the future and speaking of the Messiah’s resurrection. He was saying that God would not leave him among the dead or allow his body to rot in the grave. – Acts 2:31
Read: Acts 2
Peter told the believers about David’s prophecy of the Messiah’s resurrection. What a brilliant explanation he gave to the people and how they were all witnesses to the great plan of the Lord to save all of us from sin.
• Why is the resurrection of Jesus the main focus that every believer should reflect on?


May 20
A poem by ILMA
On the day of Pentecost, all believers were together in one place
Suddenly, there was a sound that is like a mighty windstorm
It filled everyone who was in the house; right where’ they’re all sitting
Then what looked like flames of tongues of fire settled on each of them.
Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking
Each of them was given the ability to speak in other languages
The Jews were bewildered to hear many languages spoken
All were from Galilee, yet they spoke another language not native to them.
They were bewildered to hear these Galileans to speak in another language
Each of them, spoke of Jesus’ teachings and the wonderful things God has done
They stood there amazed and perplexed and ask each other what it meant
But the others in the crowd ridiculed them and accused them of being drunk.
Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd
“Listen carefully all of you, these people are not drunk as some of you assumed.”
He reminded them of the prophet Joel’s prophecy that God will pour his Spirit
All believers will prophesy, have visions and dreams and the Spirit will be poured out.
And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. – Acts 2:4
Read: Acts 2
The coming of the Holy Spirit was a fulfilled promise of Jesus. He said that when he dies on the cross, they will be filled with his Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord will affect other people’s lives.
• What did the coming of the Holy Spirit did to us as new born again babies.
• What is the significance of the coming of the Holy Spirit into our hearts?
• What are the ways we can grieve the Holy Spirit?


May 19
A poem by ILMA
Nehemiah and was visited by his brother Hanani, from Judah
He got the news about the walls of Jerusalem being torn down
So he sat down and wept for days, mourned, fasted and prayed
He confessed to the Lord that all the Israelites have sinned against Him.
He pleaded the Lord to look down on him, praying day and night
For all the Israelites have sinned against the good Lord
He confessed that the Israelites have sinned, even his own family
He asked the Lord to hear the prayers of those who delight in Him.
He asked the Lord’s promise to Moses that if they obeyed, they can be delivered
Nehemiah requested the Lord for the king to give him favor and be kind to him
The king asked him why he looked so sad and was concerned about his troubles
And he answered that his ancestral city had been destroyed by fire.
So, the king asked how he can help and he requested to be sent to Judah
He requested the king to give him permission to rebuild his ancestors’ city
Nehemiah requested a letter for Asaph, the manager of the king’s forest
The king approved these requests because God’s gracious hand was with him.The The
The God of heaven will help us succeed. We, his servants will start rebuilding this wall. But you have no share, legal right or historic claim in Jerusalem.
-Nehemiah 2:20
Read: Nehemiah 1-2
Clearly we see how Nehemiah’s heart cried out to the Lord to grant him access to the walls of Jerusalem so he can rebuild it?
• What was bothering Nehemiah that made him go to the king for support in freeing some of his people?
• What does a repentant heart do to make him be granted what he asked for?


May 18
A poem by ILMA
The leaders came to Ezra to say that some priests and Levites intermarried
They have not kept themselves separate from other people living in the land
They have taken up the detestable practices of the other foreigners
Israelites have married women from these people and bore children.
The holy race has become polluted by these mixed marriages
Worse yet, the leaders and officials have led the way to this outrage
Ezra tore his cloak and shirt, pulled his hair and beard and utterly shocked
All who trembled at God’s words came and sat outraged like Ezra.
At the time of the sacrifice, Ezra mourned and fell on his knees to pray
He told God how ashamed he was for the sins piled higher than his head
He mentioned that their guilt has reached the height of the heavens
From the days of their ancestors until now, they have been steeped in sin.
He thanked the Lord for His grace to allow them to survive and be remnants
The security God gave them has granted them some relief from slavery
The Lord has given them protective wall in Judah and Jerusalem
He led the people to confess and repent of what had been done.
O Lord, God of Israel, you are just. We come before you in our guilt as nothing but and escaped remnant, thought in such a condition none of us can stand in your presence.
– Ezra 9:15
Read: Ezra 9
This prayer of Ezra is what all of us should be praying for ourselves and for all those believers who have gone astray. His level of repentance and confession is incomparable. This story reminds us how we oftentimes rebel against the will of God but he always forgives those who repent and confess their sins.
• What happens when we compromise and mix ourselves with what God detests?


May 17
A poem by ILMA
Many years later, during Artaxerxes reign, there was a man named Ezra
He was the son or Seraiah from the lineage of Aaron, the high priest
Ezra was a scribe who was well versed in the Law of Moses
God has given to the people of Israel this scribe from Babylon.
King Artaxerxes of Persia gave everything Ezra asked for
Because Ezra had the blessing and the hand of God on him
Some of the people of Israel including some priests and Levites
The singers, gatekeepers, and Temple Servants came with Ezra.
It was the seventh years of King Artaxerxes when Ezra and company came
He arrived in Jerusalem in August of that year and left Babylon in April
Ezra was determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord
He came to Jerusalem to ensure those decrees are taught and followed.
The king wrote a decree to allow Ezra and others to come to Jerusalem
Ezra was given silver and gold from Babylon to use as offering and donations
He instructed Ezra to use his wisdom to appoint magistrates and judges
Anyone who refuses to obey the law will be punished immediately.
This Ezra was a scribe who was well versed in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given to the people of Israel. – Ezra 7:6
Read: Ezra 7
What a man Ezra was. Because of how the Lord’s hand was on him, he had a decree written by the king honoring his wisdom. His counsel was sought by the king himself to choose the magistrates and judges who know God’s laws to govern all the people of the province. What an honor given to this man of God.
• Why do you think the King of Persia chose Ezra to ensure that the people who governed his province be knowledgeable of God’s laws?


May 16
A poem by ILMA
When Cyrus allowed the Israelites to come back to Jerusalem
The king wanted the Israelites to rebuilt the Lord’s temple
Opposition from the enemies of Judah and Benjamin arose
They convinced Artaxerxes that Israelites are rebellious.
Rehum and Shimshai prompted this opposition to stop building
And the king agreed to put a stop to the restoration of the temple
So, the work on the Temple of God in Jerusalem was halted
Haggai and Zechariah however prophesied that they will resume again.
Tattenai, the governor questioned the resuming of the project
But since the Lord was watching over them, Darius was sent a report
He inquired about the validity of the directive from Cyrus’ time
King Darius issued orders to search in the Babylonian archives.
The king found a scroll that stated the declaration of Cyrus about the Temple
He wrote a decree quickly that they will resume the work and extend all help
The project was completed on March 12 during the sixth year of Darius
The Temple of God was then dedicated with great joy by the Israelites.
But because their God was watching over them, the leaders of the Jews were not prevented from building until a repost was sent to Darius an he returned his.
– Ezra 5:5
Read: Ezra 4-6
The story of the rebuilding of the Temple is quite interesting since it was the king from a foreign country who ordered the Temple to be rebuilt. We clearly see the hand of God in all of these.
• What have you allowed to die to ruins in your life that the Lord wants you to restore and rebuild so He can be glorified?


May 15
A poem by ILMA
The Lord fulfilled Jeremiah’s prophecy in the first year of Cyrus of Persia
He stirred the heart of Cyrus and the king put a proclamation in writing
Cyrus said that the God of heaven gave him all kingdoms of the earth
He declared that God appointed him to build a Temple in Jerusalem.
He told the Israelites that any of God’s people may go back for this task
He even blessed all the exiles from Persia that God be with them
The King Cyrus directed them that wherever the Jewish remnant is
That the neighbors contribute toward their expenses by giving supplies.
He directed all the people to take part in the Temple building
Silver and gold, supplies for the journey and livestock must be given
Then God stirred the hearts of the priests and Levites and the leaders
They all wanted to rebuild the Temple of the Lord and go to Jerusalem.
Cyrus himself brought out the articles that Nebuchadnezzar had taken
He directed Mithredath to count these items and present them to Sheshbazzar
There were 5400 articles of gold and silver that were brought to Jerusalem
In early autumn, when the Israelites had settled, they began the Temple work.
In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the Lord fulfilled the prophecy he had given through Jeremiah. – Ezra 1:1
Read: Ezra 1, 2, 3
Jeremiah 25:11-12 said that the Jews would suffer 70 years of Babylonian domination. Jeremiah also said Babylon would be punished after the 70 years. Cyrus, a leader of Persians and Medes, conquered Babylon and brought an end to its empire. Cyrus later offered the captive Jews the freedom to return to their homeland. This was all fuilfilled.________________________________________
• What was the character of King Cyrus according to these chapters?
• What can we emulate from his traits as a king?


May 14
A poem by ILMA
Zedekiah was 21 years old when he became king and reigned 11 years
He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and refused to humble himself
Even when the prophet Jeremiah spoke to him directly from the Lord
He continued to be a hard and stubborn man, refusing to turn to God.
Likewise, all the leaders of the priests and the people became unfaithful
They followed all the pagan practices of the surrounding nations
They desecrated the Temple of the Lord that had been consecrated
God repeatedly sent his prophets to warn them but they didn’t listen.
The people of God mocked these messengers and despised their words
They scoffed at the prophets until the Lord’s anger could not be restrained
So, the Lord brought the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar against them
The Babylonians killed Judah’s young men, chasing them to the Temple.
Nebuchadnezzar took home to Babylon all the articles used in the Temple
Then his army burned the Temple of God and tore Jerusalem walls down
The few who survived were taken as exiles to Babylon and became servants
So, Jeremiah’s prophecy was fulfilled and the land enjoyed Sabbath rest.
The Lord, the God of their ancestors, repeatedly sent his prophets to warn them, for he had compassion on his people and his Temple. But the people mocked these messengers of God and despised their words. – 2 Chronicles 36:15-16
Read: 2 Chronicles 36
It is a sad thing to watch God’s people turn their backs on Him after the many times they have been delivered from enemies. Their hardened hearts and stubbornness led God to destroy Jerusalem. Though they were warned, they never listened.
• What causes people’s hearts to be hardened?
• Why can we sometimes become deaf to warnings from God’s Spirit?


May 13
A poem by ILMA
Despite having an evil father in Amon, you pleased the Lord your God
Though you were only eight years old when you were put in the throne
You never turned away from doing right and stayed humble and pure
During the 8th year of your reign you began to seek your ancestor David’s God.
On your 12th year of reign, you started to purify Judah and Jerusalem
You began destroying all pagan shrines, Asherah poles and carved idols
You ordered the demolishing of Baal’s altar and incense altars broken down
You also demanded to smash the cast images; had bones of the pagan priests burned.
When Hilkiah discovered the original scroll that Moses has written the laws of God’s
You summoned all your advisers and inquired about the words written in the scroll
The prophet Hildah, the wife of Shallum, keeper of the Temple wardrobe was consulted
She talked of God’s anger towards the people for turning to Baal and other pagan idols.
Because you were sorry and humbled yourself to God for the people’s sins
He blessed you with such glorious kingship and the best Passover festivals
No other kings can compare to your Festivals in all of the history of Israel
You were greatly blessed with bringing an end to idolatry that happened.
He pledged to obey the Lord by keeping his commands, laws and decrees with all his heart and soul. He promised to obey all the terms of the covenant that were written in the scroll. – 2 Chronicles 34:31
Read: 2 Chronicles 34
So far, from all the many readings I have encountered of Israel’s kings, I think Josiah is one of the humblest and obedient kings Israel would have had. He followed King David’s footsteps. Despite the sins of his father and ancestors, the Lord blessed him.
• Why is obedience and humility very important in being victorious and blessed in the life of a Christian?


May 12
A poem by ILMA
One day as Jesus saw the crowds gathering, he went up the mount
He sat down and his disciples gathered around him and began to teach
He started saying that the kingdom of heaven is for those who are poor
These poor people are those who also recognize their need for the Lord.
Those who are grieving will be blessed for they will be comforted
Those who are humble will surely receive the whole earth
While those who hunger and thirst for justice will be satisfied
God blesses those who are forgiving, for they will be shown mercy.
The promise for those with pure hearts is that they will see God
Those who work and pursue peace will be called His children
While the ones who are persecuted for doing what is right
They shall rejoice for the kingdom of heaven will surely be theirs.
Have joy when people insult, lie and say evil things because you’re a follower
A great reward awaits you in heaven, for the ancient prophets suffered the same
These were the teachings of Jesus to those who want to enter God’s kingdom
These were encouraging teachings about the promises to those who love Him.
God blesses those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy. – Matthew 5:7
Read: Matthew 5
What a wonderful way of wording the old testament law of Moses. Jesus’ sermon on the mount focused on what not to do but on the promises of what awaits those who love and follow the ways of the Lord.
• What was the most encouraging promise for you on this sermon on the mount?
• Why do you think it is important to focus on positive things rather than putting it in a rule or a law?
• What is the greatest among these promises for you as a believer? Why?