UZZIAH’S REIGN Poem Devotional

May 11
A poem by ILMA
All of Judah crowned Uzziah as king in place of his father
He was sixteen when he became king and reigned 52 years
After his father Amaziah’s death, he restored the town of Elath
He did what was pleasing to the Lord and his mother was Jecoliah.
Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah
The prophet taught him how to fear God
As long as the king sought the Lord’s guidance
King Uzziah was promised success and victory.
Uzziah declared war on the Phillistines
He broke down walls of Gath, Jabneh and Ashdod
Then he built new towns in Ashdod and in parts of Philistia
God helped him in his wars against Phillistia and the Meunites.
Uzziah built fortified towns and constructed forts in the wilderness
He dug many water cisterns for he kept great herds of livestock
He was also a man who loved the soil and had many farms and vineyards
He also had an army of well-trained warriors ready to get into battle.
He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight just as his father Amaziah had done. – 2 Chronicles 26:4
Read: 2 Chronicles 26
We see what the rewards of doing what was pleasing in the Lord in this story of Uzziah. He was able to have victory and did many things for the people of Israel. He was successful in his fortifying towns and taking care of his land and vineyard and livestock.
• Why is it important to fear the Lord?
• What were the blessings that Uzziah received for doing what was pleasing to the Lord?

THE RICH MAN Poem Devotional

May 10
A poem by ILMA
A religious leader asked Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life
The Lord enumerated commandments like not committing adultery
He included the commands not to murder, steal or testify falsely
Jesus also reminded the rich man of the command to honor his parents.
The man said that he has obeyed all these commands since he was young
Then Jesus told him that there is still one thing he hasn’t done
He hasn’t sold his possessions and given the money to the poor
He told him treasures in heaven will await him if he followed.
But when the man heard this, he became very sad, for he was wealthy
Jesus tells us “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich
They will have a harder time to enter the Kingdom of the Lord.
Those who heard what Jesus said asked “Who then can be saved?”
Jesus replied, “What’s impossible for people is possible with God”
He assured those who has given up their loved one for the kingdom
They will all be repaid many times and they will have eternal life.
In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. – Mark 10:25
Read: Mark 10:17-31
This encounter of Jesus with a rich man as he was on his way to Jerusalem narrates the priorities man puts on riches. He was going to follow all the commands as long as he keeps his wealth intact. Don’t we all conditionally follow God sometimes?
• What was this rich man missing in the lesson that Jesus was teaching him?
• Would you do all you can to have eternal life?
• What compromises do we walk into by holding on to things that gives us pleasure?


May 9
A poem by ILMA
A certain couple named Ananias and Sapphira sold some property
The man brought part of the money but not all of it to the apostles
With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest and Peter reproved him
Peter asked Ananias why he allowed Satan to fill his heart.
Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit and kept some money for himself
Since the property was his to sell and the money to give away
He didn’t have to lie but when he did, he was lying to God as well
As soon as Ananias heard Peter’s rebuke, he fell on the floor and died.
Everyone who witnessed this was terrified, they carried Ananias and buried him
Three hours later, Sapphira, not knowing what happened, came in
Peter asked her how much they received for the property they sold
And she replied with the same lie that Ananias, her husband gave.
Peter said “How could the two of you test the Spirit of the Lord?”
He said that her husband just died after lying about their gain
Instantly, she fell on the floor as well, like Ananias and died
Great fear gripped all those who heard what have happened.
He brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest. – Acts 5:2
Read: Acts 5
A lot of people take lightly the sin of lying. We do not realize how grieved the Holy Spirit is when we lie. It is an insult to God’s all-knowing and all-seeing characteristics. Most people think it is alright to lie. The world even uses euphemisms calling them “white lies.”
A lie is a lie and it is a sin that grieves the Holy Spirit.
• Why do you think “death” was the punishment for the lies that Ananias and Sapphira purposefully planned to tell Peter?


May 8
A poem by ILMA
When Jezebel married Ahab, he convinced him to worship her god Baal
Neighboring vineyard owner Naboth refused to sell his own property to Ahab
The king wanted to buy his land to use it as his garden but the man declined
He sulked and didn’t eat for days, so Jezebel stepped up and reminded him of his
She later used her evil schemes by sending a letter with Ahab’s signature on it
The elders and all those informed became convinced that Naboth did evil
She gave instructions to fast and put Naboth in public view and humiliation
She twisted truth and told he cursed God and the king and he was exposed.
As a result of the lie that says Naboth cursed God and King Ahab
He was dragged outside the town and stoned to death
The Lord instructed Elijah to confront Ahab at Naboth’s vineyard
Because you and Jezebel have done this, dogs will lick your blood.
Then Elijah set out to kill all of Baal’s prophets to stop all the evil
When Jezebel heard what he did, she sent a message to Elijah he will be killed
Elijah fled to Sinai, fearful for his life as he knew that he was the remaining prophet
God, however, assured him to go back the same way and anoint Hazael to be king.
Seize all the prophets of Baal. Don’t let a single one escape. So, the people seized them all and Elijah took them down to the Kishon Valley and killed them there. – 1 Kings 18:40
Read: 1 Kings 18,19,21
Jezebel is depicted here as a very controlling, manipulative and wicked person. She killed many prophets of God and ensured that King Ahab will never share his power. How can we watch out for possible entry of Jezebel spirit to come to destroy us?
• Why did Elijah kill the prophets of Baal? Is it the same mandate for believers to destroy all their idols?
• How can the Jezebel spirit manifest itself in the body of Christ?


May 7
A poem by ILMA
When Ahab got home, he told Jezebel how Elijah killed Baal’s prophets
Jezebel threatened Elijah that she would kill him as he killed them
Elijah was so afraid and fled for his life and went to Beersheba
He left his servant Elisha in that small town of Judah.
Then Elijah went on alone into the wilderness travelling all day
He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die
He prayed to the Lord to take his life for he isn’t better than his ancestor
Elijah laid down and slept under the broom tree when an angel came.
The angel instructed the prophet to get up and eat some bread just by his head
Then the prophet did as he was told so he proceeded to Mt. Sinai
The bread and the jar of water sustained him forty days and forty nights
There he spent the night as he reached that quiet place of refuge.
The Lord confronted the prophet what he was doing in that place
He tells the Lord how he ran for his life, as all the prophets were killed
The Lord gave him further instruction to go back and go to Damascus
As he arrived, the prophet was to appoint Hazael to become king of Aram.
Elijah was afraid and fled for his life. He went to Beersheba and he left his servant there.
– 1 Kings 19:3
Read: 1 Kings 19
It is interesting to see a very powerful prophet running and being so scared for his life. He heard what Jezebel did to all of God’s prophets, It is interesting how fear played a role in Elijah’ls live?
• How powerful is the Jezebel spirit?
• What made a very powerful prophet get debilitated?
• Why was Jezebel chasing the prophet?


May 6
A poem by ILMA
Along the way, they came across a man named Simon from Cyrene
He was forced by the soldiers to carry the cross for Jesus
They went out to Golgotha which means “place of the skull”
The soldiers gave Jesus wine mixed with bitter gall.
When Jesus tasted the wine with gall, he refused to drink it
After they have nailed him to the cross, the soldiers gambled
They betted on his clothes by throwing dice while they kept guard
As Jesus was hung there, a singed was fastened above Jesus’ head.
The sign announced the charge against Jesus saying “King of the Jews”
Two criminals were crucified beside him, one on his right and one on the left
People passing by shouted abuse and shaking their heads in mockery
“Look at you now, you said you’ll destroy and rebuild the Temple in 3 days.”
The leading priests, the teachers of religious law and the elders taunted him too
They scoffed “But he can’t save himself! If he comes down, we will believe him
Even the two criminals beside him also joined in the mockery with the people
At noon, darkness fell across the whole land at three o’clock.
A sing was fastened above Jesus’ head, announcing the charge against him. It read: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” – Matthew 27:37
Read: Matthew 27:32-45
The main focus of a believer’s life is this crucifixion, which symbolized the greatest love of God to mankind, giving us his only begotten Son just so we can be reconciled with him. He paid for the penalty of our sin so he can bridge that gap that was created when we sinned.
• Can you think of anything that would be close to the brutality that Jesus bore so we could be reconciled with the Father? Explain.


May 5
A poem by ILMA
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth
His disciple asked Jesus if the parents’ caused this man’s blindness
Jesus told them that it was to show the power of God through him
He reminded them that while he’s in the world, he will be the light.
Then Jesus spit on the ground, made mud with his saliva
He spread the mud over the man’s eyes and asked him to wash it
He sent him to go to the pool of Siloam which means “sent”
So, the man followed and went, washed and came back seeing.
Those who knew the blind beggar couldn’t believe he was the same man
The beggar kept on saying that he was actually that beggar they knew
When the Pharisees heard what Jesus have done for this blind person
They went to the man’s parents to ask if he was born blind.
The Pharisees kept on telling him not give Jesus the glory but only to God
They kept on convincing that Jesus was a sinner and they knew God more
But the man said how come they don’t know where Jesus came from
If Jesus was not from God, how could he have healed the blind.
If this man were not from God, he couldn’t have done it. – John 9:33
Read: John 9
It is amazing how many times God has done a miracle in a person’s life and yet people who have witnessed it do not seem to believe what they have actually seen. They start to analyze, justify and question the validity of it, instead of declaring what had been done and praising the Lord for the miracle.
• Why is unbelief rampant both in believers and unbelievers alike?
• What hinders us from actually being amazed at little or big miracles we have seen?
• What is behind the lack of faith in the human heart?


May 4
A poem by ILMA
When Abijah died, his son Asa became the next king
There was peace in the land for ten straight years
Asa did what was pleasing and good in God’s sight
He removed the foreign altars and pagan shrines.
Asa smashed the sacred pils and cut down the Asherah poles
He commanded the people of Judah to seek the Lord
He instructed them to obey God’s laws and his commands
He also removed the incense altars from every town of Judah.
King Asa’s kingdom enjoyed a period of peace
Because of that, he built up the fortified towns of Judah.
No one made war against him at this time
For the Lord was giving him rest from his enemies.
He told the people of Judah to build towns and fortify them
He reminded them that since they sought the Lord, he gave them peace
So they went ahead with these projects and brought them to completion
He had an army of 580.000 warriors from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
He commanded the people of Judah to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors and to obey his law and his commands. – 2 Chronicles 14:4
Read: 2 Chronicles 14
It is refreshing to hear of a good king in those days. We see the reward of following the Lord and leading the people into obedience to God
• What did King Asa achieve as a result of the peace they received from being obedient and faithful to the Lord?
• Why is it important to follow the Lord’s instruction?


May 3
A poem by ILMA
As Jesus left the town, he saw Levi, the tax collector sitting at his booth
“Follow me and be my disciple” Jesus said to him so he got up
He left everything he had and followed Jesus immediately
Later, Jesus was the guest of honor at a banquet he hosted.
Then the Pharisees and teachers of the law complained bitterly
“Why do you eat and drink with such scum as Levi?” they asked Jesus
Christ replied, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do”
“I have come to call those who acknowledge their sins and repent.
Healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think thy are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.
– Luke 5:31-32
Read: Luke 5:27-32
I heard one preacher describe what a church is. He said that the church is like a hospital and all the members represent the patients who are sick, not one is totally healed or they won’t be in the hospital anymore. When I heard him say this, an image comes to mind. A picture of people waiting to be given care and attention, waiting to get healed and get back to their normal lives, recuperating and getting stronger.
Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus called those who are not perfect to be his disciples? In fact, he chose messed up and sick people like Levi. His desire to follow him and turn his back on sin was truly Spirit led. ________________________________________
• Why do we go to church and think that everyone in it has it altogether?
• How can we give compassion as Jesus did to those who are sinners and weak?
• How can we guard ourselves from giving a verdict to someone we don’t really know what’s going on in their hearts?
• How do we set other people up for failure when we have unrealistic expectations from them?


May 2
A poem by ILMA
Don’t let your hearts be troubled; trust in God and also in the Son
Jesus assures that there is enough room in his Father’s home
He said that he is preparing a place for those who believe him
When everything is ready, he will come back to get all who believe.
Thomas, one of his disciples said, “We have no clue where you’re going”
He added “How can we know where we are going if we don’t know the way?”
Jesus told him, “I am the way the truth and the life
It is only through me that you will come to the Father.”
Philip said “Lord, show us the Father and we’ll be satisfied”
And he said, “Haven’t I been with you this long and still not see me?”
Jesus said to them, “Don’t you believe I am in the Father and He’s in me?”
He told them to believe that the Father and he are one and believe it.
Anyone who believes in the Son will follow what he has done
They’ll be doing greater works than Him for He will be with the Father
If they ask anything in Jesus’ name, He will do it to bring the Father glory
So he urges all of us to ask in his mighty name and it will be done.
I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
– John 14:6
Read: John 14
Are you not excited as a Christian to know that Jesus is preparing a room for you in His Father’s house? What an exciting promise to look forward to compared to all the things we are going through in this world. Let’s believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father.
• What makes Jesus different from other gods in the world?
• How do you visualize the room that Jesus is preparing for you?
• If Jesus is the way, how come, some Christians are not totally sold out on this?