September 3


27 when terror strikes you like a storm
    and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,
    when distress and anguish come upon you.
28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;
    they will seek me diligently but will not find me.
29 Because they hated knowledge
    and did not choose the fear of the Lord,
30 would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof,
31 therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way,
    and have their fill of their own devices.
32 For the simple are killed by their turning away,
    and the complacency of fools destroys them;
33 but whoever listens to me will dwell secure
    and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”Proverbs 1:27-33


A poem by ILMA inspired by these verses

When one defies wisdom and embraces the ways of the wicked

Anxiety and distress are not far from their lives; it imprisons them

Because they hate knowledge and did not choose to revere the Lord

They won’t have fruitful lives but will be destroyed by the ways of the world.

In this book of Proverbs, Solomon continues to warn us of the consequences of not heeding the call of wisdom in our lives. He mentions that anxiety and distress will be constant visitors in those who do not heed such wise counsel. As a result of hating knowledge and not fearing the Lord, they will be left on their own foolishness and be destroyed by such rebellion against wisdom. Verse 32 points out that those who do not heed wisdom will be killed and those who are complacent will be destroyed. It sounds harsh but it is true that the foolish will never produce any good outcome because they refuse to see the good. On the other hand, the wise will be secure and safe.


  • Share someone you know who defied knowledge and its outcome in their lives.