KNOW WHEN TO QUIT Poem Devotional

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June 7________________________________________
Don’t wear yourself out by trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit.
-Proverbs 23:4 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you get obsessed with getting rich?
Watch out for the enemy is out to trick
When you find yourself constantly wanting
It is trouble and strife that you are welcoming.
Know when to quit and to let go
Seek God and make his kingdom grow
Enrich yourself with God’s word
It is the only way you can beat this world.
I have known many people who get obsessed with different things. Some people think that being rich is a good goal in life. This is one of the world views that destroys so many people. They pursue wealth, possessions, power, fame because they think it will bring them satisfaction. On the contrary, it destroys their lives. When you continually want material things, it changes your perspective. You become self-centered and isolate yourself from others. You want to protect your wealth, fame or power. You become envious if someone else has more than you have. You become greedy, wanting everything for yourself. You forget others because you are so busy satisfying your desires.
The bible warns us to know when to quit. It also says that we need to seek God first before anything else. When our lives is focused on being rich, we become idolaters of material things.
Lord, help me to focus on you first.
What obsessions do you have that draw you away from God?
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