ALL BELONG TO GOD Poem Devotional,


January 9________________________________________
The earth is the Lords’ and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. Psalm 24:1– (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The birds, the trees and all of nature
They all belong to God and we must nurture
We must be thankful for all creatures
We are all equally made no matter from what culture.
Treasure the blessings that God gave us all
He wants to bring us victory and not easily fall
Be good stewards of all that has been given
It will bring us close to him and to heaven.
There are so much blessings that we can thank the Lord for. Everything on earth was all made by the Lord. Isn’t it only fitting that we bring him laud? There have been various distractions that the enemy brings to our lives that hinders us from being grateful and for praising God. There are even people who think that they own stuff and fail to see that without God, they won’t have such things. The enemy twists our minds and heart to think that all that we own is ours. In truth, we have them because God was merciful enough to grant us such blessings. He loves us all so much that he gave us everything we need and could ever want. We must remember that they all belong to him and we must care for them respectfully.________________________________________
Lord, remind me that I own nothing so I can praise you for all that I have.
What happens if we think that we own stuff?
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