July 4
A poem by ILMA
Paul stood on the stairs and motioned to the people to be quiet
Soon a deep silence enveloped the crowd, and he talked to them in Aramaic
When they heard him speaking Aramaic, the silence was even greater
Paul said “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus and educated by Gamaliel.”
He continued “As Gamaliel’s student, I was trained in Jewish laws and customs
I became very zealous to honor God in everything, just like all of you today
I persecuted the followers of the Way, killing them and throwing some in prison
The leaders could attest to this as they authorized me to bring in the followers of the way.
Paul related how he was blinded on the road approaching Damascus and heard a voice
He fell on the ground and the voice said “Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
He also said how a man named Ananias healed him and made him see again
He told them how the Lord chose him to be one of his own witnesses.
Paul was instructed by God to go and travel and reach out to the Gentiles
The crowd listened intently but until Paul said those words
They yelled “Away with such a fellow! He isn’t fit to live!”
They threw off their coats and tossed handfuls of dust into the air.
But the Lord said to me, “Go for I will send you far away to the Gentiles. – Acts 22:21
Read: Acts 22:1-23
It is an amazing reaction of the people in Jerusalem as Paul witnessed to how God changed his life from being a persecutor to a believer and a preacher of the Good News. The leaders of the Jewish laws could not believe because that placed them on a spot. They will never acknowledge the miracles of Jesus, even if they saw it in their own eyes. There is just so much unbelief and legalism to let them see it for what it really is.
• Why did Paul have to talk to the people of Jerusalem even though he was already arrested? What good will it do him to explain to those who have no ears to hear?