December 3
The high mountains are for the wild goats; the cliffs are a refuge for the rock hyrax.
19 He made the moon for the seasons; the sun knows the place of its setting.
20 You appoint darkness and it becomes night,
In which all the animals of the forest prowl about.
21 The young lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God.
22 When the sun rises they withdraw, and they lie down in their dens.
23 A person goes out to his work and to his labor until evening. – Psalm 104:18-23
Previous to verse 19, the psalmist mentions that the birds have their own home. In verse 18, he also says that the other animals have also been given their shelters, including the stork, the wild goats, and the rock badgers. A wise and loving God provides for them all. In verse 19, the psalmist turned his attention to the moon and the sun. They operate according to God’s plan, providing darkness so that all the beasts of the forest creep about. According to Maclaren, “The moon is named first, because the Hebrew day began with the evening.” VanGemeren comments on the other hand that “Canaanites attributed rain, sunlight, and the lunar cycle to specific deities. For Israel the Lord sovereignly rules over all creation and establishes order by his wise administration.” Just as God provided for the night, He also provided for the day, when lions and other nocturnal animals lie down in their dens. When the lions sleep, man goes out to his work until the evening. All operate according to God’s wise plan for creation. Spurgeon comments on verse 21-22 as
“It is a strange expression that young lions when they roar after their prey, should be said to seek their meat of God; implying that neither their own strength nor craft could feed them without help from God. The strongest creatures left to themselves cannot help themselves.” Clarke says “And as it would not be convenient for man and the wild beasts of the forest to collect their food at the same time, he has given the night to them as the proper time to procure their prey, and the day to rest in. When MAN labours, THEY rest; when MAN rests, THEY labour.”
What an amazing God we have. He has organized his creation in such a way that everyone is provided for and there is no chaos. It is interesting how the psalmist mentions the lions who depend on God for their food. It is easy to miss out on God’s order and boundaries. Whenever we get so wrapped up in this world system, we fail to see God’s governance.
• How can we constantly be aware of God’s order in creation and mankind?