A PSALM OF PRAISE Poem Devotional

January 1
Praise the LORD, all nations;
Laud Him, all peoples!
2 For His lovingkindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the LORD is everlasting.
Praise the LORD!
This is the shortest Psalm which is only two verses short. Despite its briefness, it is loaded with the character of the God we serve. Our world is so corrupted with much idols every which way you look. The sad thing is that a lot of us do not even realize that these modern- day idols that we cannot really see is so real. This psalm was written after the Lord has shown so much faithfulness to the psalmist. Psalm 116 was a list of the things that God did for him and he doesn’t know how to thank him. What more can God ask from us but Praise and worship. He wants us all to declare to all the nations of the things he has done for us. He wants us to bring his lovingkindness for everyone on earth to glorify Him.
ADORATION: Lord, you are the source of all lovingkindness. Your truth is everlasting and I praise you for all that you are. You gave us all and we glorify you for your generosity. You are the God of promises and provision. You are love and in you alone can I know how to love.
CONFESSION: Forgive me that I forget at times how you have unconditionally loved me and cared for all my needs. You walked me through tough times, always faithful to deliver.
THANKSGIVING: Thank you for being there when I need you most. I wouldn’t survive all these trials and suffering if I don’t give you praise and focus my all to you. Thank you for your provision even when I miss the things you do for me because of my busy-ness.
SUPPLICATION: I plead you to give me an awareness of your lovingkindness so I can be more like you on that regard. It is a struggle to die to my flesh, but I know anything is possible with you. Help me to remember to always pray for others who also go through such suffering. Show me how to carry my cross without complaining. Teach me to be humble and patient and gentle to others.
• How can a Christian develop an attitude of true worship to God?