ALL HAVE SINNED Poem Devotional

June 30
Who can say “I have cleansed my heart; I am pure and free from sin?”
– Proverbs 20:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Who can say that they have not sinned?
Since man’s fall, humans are not totally free
Only in Christ will we be cleansed
Without him, we will have no defense.
Whenever we deny our sins and don’t repent
We open doors for the enemy to torment
All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory
Let us run to Jesus so we can have victory.
1 John 3:4 defines sin as lawlessness. Being lawless is synonymous to being a rebel or someone who is disobedient. The story of the fall of man in Genesis reminds us of the first rebels on earth, Adam and Eve. Because of their disobedience, the whole mankind suffered and we inherited “sin.” It made us all prone to lawlessness. It imprinted us all to have the tendency to disobey rather than to submit.
Despite our natural tendency to sin, God showed us how much he loves us by giving his only Son to pay the debt for our transgressions. Although all have sinned, God gave us a way out through the sacrifice of his Son. He only wants us to confess and repent of our sins and he is ready to forgive anyone who asks for his forgiveness.
Lord, help us to have the humility to come back to you and ask for forgiveness whenever we sin.
How can one protect himself from lawlessness?
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