BE ENCOURAGED! Poem Devotional

monocliffhike 107

May 22 The Power of God’s Word
“Don’t be afraid”, he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” –Daniel 10:19 (NLT)
Are you anxious and worried about challenges?
Don’t be afraid, for God will bring changes
You are very precious to him like a treasure
He gives you favors for his own pleasure.
Be encouraged and have peace
Doubting and hopelessness must cease
Be strong, he will not take long
His timing is perfect and he is never wrong.
Do you know that you are very precious to God? A lot of people do not realize this truth and go in circles trying to find value in their identity. I lived many years believing the enemy’s lies that I don’t deserve to be loved. It made me obsessed with finding love from others. God freed me after many decades pursuing human love and attention. He revealed my true identity as his child many years later. After that revelation, I had peace and knew my identity in Christ.
In Daniel 10, the prophet had a vision of great hardship and times of war. So he mourned for three weeks, fasting. He grew weak because of this but was consoled by God that he is very precious and that he will regain his strength and be encouraged and have peace for he provides for his people.
Lord, thank you for encouraging me.
Do you feel precious and encouraged by God’s love?