rbg 182 (2)

June 30
I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.
-Psalm32:8 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know which way to go?
Does your path lead you to growth?
God will guide you along the best pathway
He alone is the only option and the only way.
His path leads to joy, peace and righteousness
You will never find another place that is victorious
This road directly connects you to the he Father.
Follow Jesus’ lead and he will take you further.
I have taken many different pathways in my young adult life while I searched for the one true God. The enemy didn’t waste any time misleading me through many different religions. Because I was fascinated by traditions and culture, I became an easy target for the enemy to work on. Because of rebellion and pride, I chose too many wrong paths which led me to much chaos and destruction in my life.
The bible tells us that if we run to God, he will guide us, advise and watch over us. If we confess our sins and seek him, he will direct us to the best pathway to life. He will counsel us what is good and tell us to avoid the bad. He will closely supervise us in little or big decisions for our own good.
Lord, always direct my path to where you want me to go.
What happens when we choose our own will in making decisions?
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