BRING GLORY TO GOD Poem Devotional

niagara by the lake 2012 164

Sept 19                                                                                  The Power of God’s Word

I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me.  

                                                                                                     -John 17:4(NLT)          


A poem and essay by ILMA

Do you do your work to honor the Lord?

Do you have time to engage in his word?

He created you in his image and likeness

He wants you to excel in his righteousness.

When you align your life in his will

Peace dwells in you and you’ll enjoy being still

You bring glory to God by following Christ

It magnifies him when you don’t lose sight.

I used to do things for myself and got so much pleasure when I accomplish things I planned. I felt proud of myself for being able to execute goals that I set. When I came to Canada I thought I will just continue my art career and sell my paintings like I did in my country of origin. I was in for a shock. The Lord stripped me off the opportunities to continue my art career. I was so angry. I didn’t realize that He had a different plan for me. I resisted for many years until he revealed to me why took me out of my comfort zone. He wants me to glorify him instead of myself. He uses me now to give testimonies so I can bring him glory.


Lord, thank you for bringing me back to you.


Are your plans aligned with God’s?