May 13
5 Or do you think that the Scripture says to no purpose, “He jealously desires the Spirit whom He has made to dwell in us”? 6 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” 7 Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come close to God and He will come close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Be miserable, and mourn, and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.
– James 4:5-10
In this letter of James, he talks about the importance of humility. Strong’s Concordance defines humility as gentleness and meekness. Oxford Dictionary defines it as a modest or low view of one’s own importance. Notice, it didn’t say a low view of our identity or self. It focuses on importance. Paul warns us in Philippians 2:3 not to think highly of ourselves but to count others as more important than you. Why are we reminded constantly to be humble? If we think highly of ourselves, we open the door to the devil to work on deceiving us that we are more than what we think we really are. We can be deceived
God himself did an act of humility when he stooped down at fallen humanity and gave His Son Jesus so that we can be spared of His wrath and be reconciled with Him. Jesus chose to come from a poor origin so that He can show the value of humility in order for us to give all the glory to His Father.
In this letter, James gives us a gem of truth In verse 6, he reminds us how God is against the proud but gives grace to the humble. Isn’t that enough reason to choose humility against thinking highly of oneself? He emphasizes the importance of submitting to God and then resisting the devil. Submission is pre-requisite before you can resist the devil. In order to submit to God, we need humility to acknowledge that He is our Lord and Master and that we will succumb to His sovereignty and authority. James added another nugget of wisdom in verse 8, when God invites us to come close to Him so he can come close to us through repentance and purification of our hearts. He gives the result of humbling ourselves before the Lod. God Himself will raise us up and exalt us. What a promise to all those who will humble themselves and submit to God. So, why don’t we all choose to do so?
• Why is faith not going to work if we are not humble?


May 12
What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is the source not your pleasures that wage war in your body’s parts? 2 You lust and do not have, so you commit murder. And you are envious and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend what you request on your pleasures. 4 You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God – James 4:1-4
In this letter, we hear James with very strong language again. He raises the question about the source of quarrels and conflicts among the believers. In verse 1, he identifies the origin of the war happening inwardly and outwardly of a person’s heart. He claims that pleasures, lust or cravings are the sources of fights among our brothers and sisters. In verse 2, he brings a clear premise as to why lust is very dangerous. It can lead us to be envious and dissatisfied with ourselves and our status, so we scheme to commit murder. The murder he is talking about here isn’t just a physical assassination, it could also be killing someone else’s reputation or slandering someone so one can be gratified to achieve something that they have been pining for.
James drives another point in lacking something. He says that we don’t have something because we fail to ask God for it or when we ask, we do not have the right motives. A lot of people have commercialized God by thinking he is a Santa Claus who can grant us any wish we want provided are good and nice. By nature, humans are selfish, so if we are not walking in the Spirit, our requests would likely be carnal and self-serving.
In verse 4, he reprimands us about committing adultery toward God. Adulteresses! That is a female unfaithful person. Why not adulterer? Remember that believers are the bride of Christ? If you turn your back on your Master and Husband and serve the world’s system, aren’t you an adulteress? When we do not submit to Jesus’ authority as our head, we are considered unfaithful. Each time we gratify our flesh, we are turning our backs to God and being unfaithful to His steadfast love. Each time we entertain lies instead of bringing truth in our lives, we are committing adultery against the Master that we have promised to commit and follow.
• Why are there some Christians who do not see friendship with the world as an act of unfaithfulness to God or adultery?


May 11
13 Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, free of hypocrisy. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. – James 3:13-18
________________________________________The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about wisdom. It is an instruction manual for wisdom. Why is Proverbs so important? Proverbs compiles many different instructions for living life effectively so that those who want to serve God can stay in the path of wisdom. Proverbs 1:7 clearly states the theme of the whole book: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Is it any wonder why James would want us all to know the essence of wisdom in our lives?
In verses 13-16, James gives an illustration of what human wisdom is. He says that if one thinks he is wise, let him manifest it in his actions. Someone who claims they are wise and have bitter jealousy, selfish ambition, arrogant and are liars are devoid of true wisdom. He says that human wisdom doesn’t come from above, but is earthly and demonic. He further gives a picture what this human wisdom usually brings about: chaos, disorder and all kinds of evil things. This kind of wisdom does not acknowledge God as the beginning of knowledge. They do not know him who is the source of all wisdom.
In verses 17-18, he presents what godly wisdom is. He describes it as pure, peace-loving, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and manifests good fruits, impartial or fair, free of hypocrisy. In other words, there is no falsehood or pretense. It results in righteousness and those who uses godly wisdom brings about peace.
How come the world cannot discern godly wisdom? Because they do not know God and therefore do not fear him. Without the knowledge of God, there is no fear of God. How can godly wisdom exist without the knowledge of God?
• Why do some people think that their knowledge is true and righteous wisdom?


May 10
See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire, the very world of unrighteousness; the tongue is set among our body’s parts as that which defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell. 7 For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race. 8 But no one among mankind can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people, who have been made in the likeness of God; 10 from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, these things should not be this way. 11 Does a spring send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water? 12 Can a fig tree, my brothers and sisters, bear olives, or a vine bear figs? Nor can salt water produce fresh. – James 3:5-12
In this letter, James continues to warn the believers about a part of our body that is pervasively evil and irrepressible: the tongue. In verse 5, he likens it to a forest set ablaze by such a small fire. Just like how one small gossip can ruin someone’s character or a relationship or even an entire community.
In verse 6, James elaborately explains the damage a tongue can do and where it comes from. He says that the tongue is the one that defiles a person. It brings about trouble which is the fire that is actually brought about by hell itself. What a scary thought it is to think that this part of our body can lead us straight to hell.
In verse 7, he talks about the untameable tongue that we have by comparing it to every animal species on earth. He says that the beasts, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea can be tamed but the tongue cannot. He continues on in verse 8 to say that it can never be tamed because it is evil itself and full of deadly poison. In verses 9-10, he proves his point by illustrating that we praise the Lord by it and also curse other creation created by God in his own image. He warns the believers that this must not be the case in Christians.
In verses 11-12, he challenges the believers to examine their hearts when he asked the question “Can a fig tree bear olives or vine bear figs?” This question means that if you are in Christ, your mind is going to be renewed and you won’t allow evil to come out of your mouth. It makes us examine if our hearts and minds are in sync with our mouths.
• If James claims that the tongue is irrepressible, who can tame it then?


May 9
Do not become teachers in large numbers, my brothers, since you know that we who are teachers will incur a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to rein in the whole body as well. 3 Now if we put the bits into the horses’ mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their whole body as well. 4 Look at the ships too: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are nevertheless directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot determines. 5 So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. – James 3:1-5
According to, the average tongue length is about 3 inches. The tongue is critical for speech, swallowing, and breathing. says that the tongue is all muscle, but not just one muscle – it’s made up of 8 different muscles that intertwine with each other creating a flexible matrix, much like an elephant’s trunk. It’s called a muscular hydrostat, and the tongue muscles are the only muscles in the human body that work independently of the skeleton. Your tongue muscles do have amazing stamina and are used constantly for eating, talking, and swallowing. The tongue just never seems to get tired! Interesting that it works independently of the skeleton. No wonder, we can’t easily control it. The fact that it never seems to get tired maybe the reason why it never stops talking, swallowing or breathing.
Maybe this is why James tackles this very small part of our body that can do so much good or harm to ourselves and to others. In the same letter succeeding these verses, he explains how powerful this little part is that can set a tiny spark and get a forest on fire. He also mentions that it is very wicked and corrupts the entire body in James 3:6 and can set your whole life on fire. It is described as untamable because it is full of evil and deadly poison.
He warns all believers about this small part of the body that boasts of great things. He especially admonishes teachers because they have a stricter judgment on them since they have a bigger responsibility to ensure that they do not cause the stumbling of their students.
Isn’t James wise to caution us about something that we think we have control over?
• Why so we think that we can control our tongue when the bible says we cant?


May 8
19 You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. 20 But are you willing to acknowledge, you foolish person, that faith without works is useless? 21 Was our father Abraham not justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS,” and he was called a friend of God. 24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 In the same way, was Rahab the prostitute not justified by works also when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? 26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. – James 2:19-26
In this verse James preaches about how faith is perfected. In verse 9, he explains to the those who have committed their lives to Jesus that faith is not just believing in Him. As he mentions in verse 9, even demons do that. So, what difference does that make between believers and demons?
In the next verses, he gives us examples of those who have perfected their faith. In verses 21-23, he shows the story of Abraham whose faith is coupled with works, which resulted in the perfection of his faith. His faith was proven by his willingness to give up his own son to obey God, that is why he was considered righteous and a friend of God. It was by this perfected faith that he became the father of all nations.
In verse 25, Rahab sampled the saving faith by helping the spies that Joshua sent to check the land of Jericho. Rahab took the risk of hiding these spies because she has heard of the stories of the God of the Israelites who have delivered them from all the Egyptians. By ensuring that the Israelites captured Jericho, she proved her faith with works of helping the Israelites fulfill God’s plan for his people.
In verse 26, James reiterates the importance of the presence of the Spirit in our lives because our bodies would be dead without the Spirit. He likens this to faith. Without works, faith will be dead. Sadly, the world has twisted the true meaning of faith. The world looks at faith on a different lens, where faith is working for their own salvation. The bible tells us that God chose us first, even the ability to accept Him comes from him alone.
• Why do some believers think that faith isn’t an action word?


May 7
14 What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? 17 In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.18 But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” – James 2:14-18
In this letter, James explains what saving faith is. True believers know what faith means. We are all familiar with the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1 which says that is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please him God. Paul says in Romans 10:17 that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
James takes faith further in verses 15-16 by illustrating a clear example of what it means. How can one say they have faith, when they are not able to respond to someone in need when they have the opportunity to do it? We are all responsible for ourselves, but Jesus also said that we need to love one another. How can we say we love someone and not show it to others especially when they are in need? How can we not make sacrifices by letting go of our conveniences and comforts to help those who are in need? All the gifts given to us are supposed to be shared, not hoarded for our own purposes alone. How would you feel if someone claims they love you, and yet don’t have faith in you or show you that you are there to provide for their needs?
In verses 17-18, he proves the importance of saving faith. Faith has to be manifest in good works. True and saving faith is always manifest in the way we live. It has to bear fruits of kindness, love, generosity, hospitality and care to others. Dead faith is when a believer doesn’t show in his/her life the fruits of the Holy Spirit. James says that your faith is not just inside your heart. It is clearly demonstrated in your life and your relationships.
• Why do you think it is important to wear your faith, especially towards unbelievers?
• What happens when someone who don’t know God witnesses your saving faith?


May 6
8 If, however, you are fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF,” you are doing well. 9 But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the Law as violators. 10 For whoever keeps the whole Law, yet stumbles in one point, has become guilty of all. 11 For He who said, “DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY,” also said, “DO NOT MURDER.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but do murder, you have become a violator of the Law. 12 So speak, and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of freedom. 13 For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. – James 2:8-13
In this letter, James gives us the prescription for doing well in life: to fulfill the royal law according to Scripture which says “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There are two other books in the bible that reiterates this royal law after James wrote about this. The book of James was written in AD 44-49 while the book of Mark followed in AD 50-60 Just as Matthew wrote his in the same year as Mark did. It was James the brother of Jesus who first referred to this royal law which was also in the Old Testament book in Leviticus 19:18. Luke also mentions it during AD 60-61 and Paul repeats this royal law in his letter to the Romans and the Galatians. Why did Jesus consider this as second to the greatest commandment to love the Lord your God. He summed up all the Mosaic law in these two laws of love. God created us in His image according to Genesis and God is love according to John, so, if we are made like him, we are also love. He wants us all to love him and to love one another because it is the fulfillment of his promise.
James further elaborates on the other laws that explains this royal law. If you love your neighbor as yourself, you will not show partiality, you will not commit adultery and not murder. In fact, if you all follow this royal law, all of the ten commandments given through Moses will be followed. No wonder, James, who wrote the first book in the New Testament according to historical records, emphasized this royal law focused on the nature of God which is love. It is only fitting that all his children do the same to each other as well.
In verse 12, he commands them to walk their talk so that they won’t be judged by the law of freedom because the result of hypocrisy which is not walking their talk would be merciless to those who have not shown mercy. Once again, he focuses on God’s mercy.
• Why is it difficult to love your neighbor as yourself?


May 5
My brothers and sisters, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. 2 For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and is dressed in bright clothes, and a poor man in dirty clothes also comes in, 3 and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the bright clothes, and say, “You sit here in a good place,” and you say to the poor man, “You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,” 4 have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives? 5 Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters: did God not choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you and personally drag you into court? 7 Do they not blaspheme the good name by which you have been called? – James 2:1-7
In this letter of James, he cautions all believers to watch that they do not have discrimination over people, whether rich or poor. In verse one, he warns them that they should not show any personal favoritism to anyone. The apostle Paul reiterates the warning that James says in verse one when he said in his letter to the Romans in chapter 2 verse 11. It states that God has no favoritism. Therefore, God expects his own people not to show any biases as well.
In verses 2-4, James gives an illustration to further prove his point about the importance of fair treatment to all. It is a picture of a rich man entering the assembly in contrast with a poor man in dirty clothes. The worldly person would automatically favor the one who dresses elegantly and exudes wealth against someone who looks filthy and poor. It is the world system that propagates these biases in our society. We are always aiming at power, control, wealth and anything that doesn’t exhibit such are looked down upon.
James reminded the believers in verse 5 that God didn’t choose the wealthy to be rich in faith. Instead, he left his kingdom’s legacy to the poor. Why did Jesus not come in this world rich? Why did He choose to come from a poor family? Is it not to mock the rich? In 2 Corinthians 8:9, Paul answers this question. He says that “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
• What do you think is the source of biases or unfair preferences over others?


May 4
26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this person’s religion is worthless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. – James 1:26-27
In this letter, James drives a point to the hearts of believers. He is cautioning them to be careful how they live their lives especially if they have already heard the gospel. He also warns them how religious leaders and teachers can be so focused on the law and their teachings and may have lost sight of truth. In verse 26, he tells them to be wary of how works of religion can lead them to deception in their own hearts and minds. James wanted them to know that honesty and adhering to the word of God will make them discern what is true and what is not. He stresses the importance of bridling their tongues. The Easton bible dictionary says Hebrews mahsom’ signifies a muzzle or halter or bridle, by which the rider governs his horse. I think that what James meant here is to control one’s tongue. Why is it so important to do so? Without restraint with words, one can sin. Even Solomon cautions us in Proverbs 21:23 that whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. James explains that it leads to a deceived heart.
In verse 27, James brings the message of what true and undefiled religion is according to how God sees it. Pure religion is to take care and love the orphans and widows. You may be wondering why widows. We live in a different generation now, but in the time of Jesus widows are the most weak and vulnerable people. The notion that widows needed someone to take care of them rests on ideas about the legal and social status of women. Perhaps most important is the idea that widows could not possess their own property. A wife was dependent on her husband, and when he died, she went to live with her father’s household if he was alive, or to an adult son if she had one. Having a father or son was fortunate, because otherwise widows were entirely without resources. We are to care for the helpless and weak. As believers, we are also cautioned not to meddle with the systems of the world in order to stay pure and uncorrupted. Religion is not a denomination or church organization. It is a way of life that follows God’s law of loving the weak and vulnerable and keeping oneself holy and blameless.
• How has this teaching of changed your notion of religion based on the world?