1 April 11
21 I solemnly exhort you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality. 22 Do not lay hands upon anyone too quickly and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.23 Do not go on drinking only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.24 The sins of some people are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after. 25 Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed. – 1 Timothy 5:21-25
In this letter, Paul encourages and insists that Timothy continue to follow and maintain all the teachings to others without discrimination or bias. Paul is reiterating his letter to the Romans chapter 2 verse 11 that God shows no favoritism. Paul is merely reminding Timothy that if God doesn’t show biases, then His own people shouldn’t as well. Guzik comments on this chapter that “Prejudice and partiality are grave sins before God. In the New Testament, the emphasis is on partiality according to class (James 2:1-9); but partiality according to race and gender is also included (Galatians 3:26-29) and regarded as sin.” In verse 22, Paul instructs Timothy not to give easily the approval for anyone who wants to serv in the ministry unless they have proven themselves mature spiritually or he may be partaking in their hidden agendas that may be a result of being immature. This is important because one can be corrupted by sin if they participate in the sins of others. How can we participate in someone else’s sin? We can be accessory to someone sins if we don’t rebuke a sin that we know they are doing. We can also be participants in evil if we don’t speak the truth and expose the “lies” they are believing, which is opposite the truth. Another way we can be part of someone else’s sin is by ignoring or tolerating them and not addressing the sins. We don’t love them if we don’t let them know that we recognize the sin and it is not honoring God if they don’t stop.
In verse 23, Paul was referring to Timothy’s ailment. Some commentaries mention that he was trying to let Timothy know that if wine will be good for him, there is no reason to abstain from it just because he wants to set a model for them to follow when his health was also at stake. In other words, he didn’t want Timothy to fall into legalism or the law.
• Why do true believers need to keep away from sin at all times? What happens if they become accessory to other people’s sin? What will that do to the body?
Category Archives: Uncategorized
April 10
17 The elders who lead well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. 18 For the Scripture says, “YOU SHALL NOT MUZZLE THE OX WHILE IT IS THRESHING,” and “The laborer is worthy of his wages.” 19 Do not accept an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. 20 Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. 1 Timothy 5:17-20
In this letter of Paul to Timothy, he explains to him matters concerning the elders. In verses 17-18, talks about compensation for the position of elders. In verse 17, the phrase “worthy of double honor” can be translated as worth of double wage or salary. He specifically talks about an elder’s role at preaching and teaching. Elders here includes pastors, wardens, deacons and all others in leadership in the church. Notice how Paul raises up the work of a preacher or a teacher. Since they are handling the word of God or truth, it involves study, preparation and a bigger responsibility in bringing the truth to the body of Christ. Just as a teacher in school prepares the lesson plan ensures that understanding and learning becomes possible, so does the preacher and teacher of the word. There are many people who thinks that ministers and church leaders shouldn’t get a salary and instead the donations should only go to the poor or needy. In this letter, Paul justifies the need for these hardworking elders to be compensated too. After all, they also invest time and energy and work in bringing truth to the body.
In verses 19-20, Paul tackles the issue when elders are accused of an offense, a sin or wrongdoing. He talks about the importance of two or three witnesses. Once again, Paul refers to Deuteronomy 19:15 that says that one person is not sufficient to put a charge for an offense but needs two or three witnesses to establish such offense. He also gave a guideline to follow in case these elders continue to sin. They have to be rebuked in the congregation so that it will be something that will instill fear to sin.
It is sad to know that a lot of churches do not follow these guidelines for elders. It almost seems like these Elders basis for work is just like the regular world system. It is now a novelty to see the church deal with sin especially if it is done by the leaders. That is why there is so much authority abuses ongoing now in many churches. What a shame it is for the people of God not to address these very important issues.
• Why do you think Paul clearly spoke of the importance of addressing sin?
April 9
9 A widow is to be put on the list only if she is not less than sixty years old, having been the wife of one man, 10 having a reputation for good works; and if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work. 11 But refuse to register younger widows, for when they feel physical desires alienating them from Christ, they want to get married, 12 thereby incurring condemnation, because they have ignored their previous pledge. 13 At the same time they also learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also, they become gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention. 14 Therefore, I want younger widows to get married, have children, manage their households, and give the enemy no opportunity for reproach; 15 for some have already turned away to follow Satan. 16 If any woman who is a believer has dependent widows, she must assist them and the church must not be burdened, so that it may assist those who are actually widows. – 1 Timothy 5:9-16
Paul was very specific in his letter to Timothy about caring for the widows. He couldn’t be any clear about the widows that deserved to be cared for. He has the following guidelines on qualifications of widows worth caring for in verses 9-10. These widows must not be less than sixty years old; wife of only one man; have a reputation for good works; has brought up children; shown hospitality to strangers; has washed the saints’ feet; assisted those who are in distress; and devoted herself to every good work.
On the other hand, Paul has disqualified widows also and here are the reasons why they do not have to be taken cared of: those who are younger than 60 years old because they still feel physical desires that veers them away from serving Christ because of these longings; those who are idle; those who gossip and busybodies.
Paul actually encourages younger widows to get married and have children and manage their household as a weapon against the enemy’s ploy to tempt them into sin.
Even a woman who has a dependent widow is also encouraged to ensure that they are supported so that it won’t be a burden for the church so they can actually continue to help those who are actually widows without any other resources. This is how we manifest the love of God. We ought to care for our widows who need us.
• Why does our current world does not encourage many to care for widows?
April 8
Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, and to the younger men as brothers, 2 to the older women as mothers, and to the younger women as sisters, in all purity.3 Honor widows who are actually widows; 4 but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to show proper respect for their own family and to give back compensation to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God. 5 Now she who is actually a widow and has been left alone has set her hope on God, and she continues in requests and prayers night and day. 6 But she who indulges herself in luxury is dead, even while she lives. 7 Give these instructions as well, so that they may be above reproach. 8 But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
– 1 Timothy 5:1-8
In this letter of Paul to Timothy, he gives the believers guidelines how to rebuke in love. The word rebuke in Hebrew has three different words: ga’ar- to chide, reprimand; ge’arah- chiding, rebuke; and cherpah- contumely, disgrace. As a member of the body of Christ, each believer is expected to care for one another. When one loves one another, they do not want their brothers or sisters in Christ to fall away from the faith. It is important to correct or rebuke if one of the members of the body is sinning. Paul gives them a guideline how to rebuke. To an older man, it must be in the form of a plea or a petition. To rebuke a younger man, it must be done like you would to a brother. To an older woman, it must be like you would to your own mother, respectful. And to the younger woman, as if they were your sister, in purity.
According to Susan E. Hylen, a professor of New Testament comments on widows and said that the notion that widows needed someone to take care of them rests on ideas about the legal and social status of women. A wife was dependent on her husband, and when he died, she went to live with her father’s household if he was alive, or to an adult son if she had one. Having a father or son was fortunate, because otherwise widows were entirely without resources. Widows were also legally subordinate to these male relatives.
Paul instructs Timothy to make sure that widows are taken cared of especially by her family members. In verse 8 Paul says that if one doesn’t provide for his own household, he has turned back on his faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
• Why is rebuking another believer really important for the body of Christ?
April 7
11 Prescribe and teach these things. 12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. 13 Until I come, give your attention to the public reading, to exhortation, and teaching. 14 Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was granted to you through words of prophecy with the laying on of hands by the council of elders. 15 Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. 16 Pay close attention to yourself and to the teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.
– 1 Timothy 4:11-16:
In this letter, Paul focuses on the importance of perseverance in godliness in order to grow faith. He tells Paul to be confident in recommending and teaching the details of how to live righteous lives. In verse 12, he warns his beloved son in Christ Timothy, to make sure that he doesn’t get intimidated by older people questioning his speech, conduct, faith, love and purity. He wants him to lead the people of God to move forward with their hunger for the Lord and be witnesses to others who do not know God and be a role model for other believers to persevere to walk in the Spirit.
He reminds him to ensure that while he is away, the reading of Scriptures in public be done. This is important as it will encourage other believers. Ensuring that sound doctrine is taught to the Gentile believers is something that must not be forgotten.
In verse 14, Paul gives him a reminder to never neglect the prophetic gifts that he received from the elders. It is the highest of all the gifts given to the believers by the Holy Spirit. He wants to make sure that Timothy treasures and use those gifts for the equipping of the body of Christ. In verse 15, he commands Timothy to be ready to suffer and still press on the gifts given to him so that the believers will be exhorted to pursue righteousness as God would expect any believer to aim for.
In verse 16, Paul wants Timothy to examine himself so that he will press on to teaching, rebuking, exhorting and equipping the body of Christ. Paul spells out the reason why this is very important. It will not only save his soul, but also those who hear him prophecy and teach.
• Why do some Christians fail in persevering in godliness and using spiritual gifts?
April 6
6 In pointing out these things to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the good doctrine which you have been following. 7 But stay away from worthless stories that are typical of old women. Rather, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; 8 for bodily training is just slightly beneficial, but godliness is beneficial for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 9 It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance. 10 For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all mankind, especially of believers. – 1 Timothy 4:6-10
In this letter Paul is reminding Timothy to tell the leaders in the church to ensure that they are always feeding on God’s words and ingesting good doctrine. He commends them of their progress with their faith but in verse 7, Paul warns them to stay away from useless tales usually spread by women.
Paul advises them to focus on their training for godliness. Since the Greeks were so focused on physical training for competitions, Paul reminds them that it is only useful for their lives here on earth while training in godliness will benefit them even in their eternal lives. While physical training may be good for their bodies, spiritual workout is far more beneficial because it prepares the mind, body, soul, spirit for the reward of heaven and the forever life.
Paul also instructs Timothy to let the believers do their best to continue to hope for the living God who has promised them eternal life. As they press on to continue to serve the Lord, they will reap the promises of Jesus to all those who would seek and abide in Him.
This may have been written a long time ago, it still holds true to all of us believers in Jesus. This is a great reminder for all believers that we should not get tired of doing good and keeping pure and holy for the Lord. There is a room reserved for all the saints who keep on fixing their eyes on Jesus.
Sadly, so many believers have taken away their eyes on their Master and have allowed worldly concerns to distract them from the bigger prize of being with Jesus in eternity.
• Why do so many people give more emphasis on bodily training rather than on their spiritual building up?
April 5
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, 3 who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; 5 for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. – 1 Timothy 4:1-5
In this letter to Timothy, Paul cautions the believers to be prepared as some of them may be caught in the trap of the evil one causing them to fall away from their faith. He explains that this happens when believers begin to pay attention to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons. In verse 2 Paul identifies how these demonic teachings are cunningly introduced in subtle lies that gets into a person’s heart or conscience.
Before being saved and born again, I used to love religion and philosophy. I pursued with passion this love for knowledge. In hind sight, this obsession with was actually the reason why my salvation was delayed for many decades. I was made to believe that intelligence and wise sayings of the philosophers were truth. These lies got ingrained in my heart and believed these false teachings for many years. What a twisted way at looking at truth! Human words and beliefs are not absolute truths. God’s word is the absolute truth. The seemingly attractive play of words captured me in the trap of philosophical beliefs that are futile. It only led me to deeper darkness, confusion and sin. The rules of religion enslaved me to think that I can do something to contribute to what has already been done by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. When someone departs from the faith, they have actually believed lies that are contrary to the truth of the truth. They begin to live compromised lives that are mixed with the world beliefs. Guzik comments about speaking lies in hypocrisy: “This certainly points to the ones who willingly embrace falsehood to justify their sin or pride; but it also refers to those who claim to teach the Bible, while just using it to support their own ideas or agendas.” In verse 4, Paul reminds the Gentile believers that everything good is created by God and there’s no need to follow rules and regulations how to consume certain foods or not. In verse 5, he admonishes them to say a prayer of thanksgiving for the provision God has given them.
• What should every believer be warned about regarding these passages?
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14 I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you before long; 15 but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one should act in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. 16 Beyond question, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, was vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. – 1 Timothy 3:13-16
In this letter of Paul to Timothy, his purpose is to ensure that there isn’t time wasted in giving of the instructions to the Gentile believers as to how one should act in the household of God. Paul calls the family of believers as the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.
What a clear picture he paints in this letter of the body of believers who are the support or the ground that the truth of God’s word rest. What a big responsibility we have as Christians towards seeking and bringing truth into the world! How can a believer bring the gospel if he has no hunger for the law and the word of God? How can Christians preach the Good News if their lives do not manifest the life that comes only from the living word of God?
In verse 16, Paul discusses the mystery of godliness. Believers do not have a clue what godliness is until the Lord Jesus Christ became flesh and showed us what it is to be godly.
The previous guidelines stated in the earlier verses before this passage was laid down in detail so that there will be no confusion or chaos in the body of Christ. Paul clearly stated how Christians must live their lives blameless and pure, especially those in leadership position, as it may encourage or hinder the spiritual growth of other believers in that church.
How many churches are keeping this important role that all the body of believers must safeguard against corruption and the false teachings and doctrines that may have infiltrated the assembly of God’s people? It is a sad fate to watch many so-called Christians who do not even follow God’s order, law and discipline or submit to authorities that God has given them to follow. When we are mixed up with world systems, we are compromising the sanctification given to us through the Holy Spirit to live holy and pure lives.
• How can the church fail in being the pillar and support of truth?
April 3
8 Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not insincere, not prone to drink much wine, not greedy for money, 9 but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 These men must also first be tested; then have them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. 11Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things. 12 Deacons must be husbands of one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. 13 For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. – 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Paul once again is very detailed about his instructions to the body of believers in Christ. Earlier, he gave a guideline to the overseer, now, he talks about deacons. It is imperative in the body of Christ to have leaders who are pure and following the Lord’s ways.
Gerard Cowen, in his article about deacons says that their ministry was intended to aid the apostles by taking care of some of the physical needs of the congregation. The deacons were to assist the elders (who replaced the apostles as the spiritual leaders of the church) with the physical needs of the church.
In this letter, Paul specifically lays down to Timothy what the requirements are in selecting deacons:
• Men of integrity and not insincere
• Not a drunk or greedy for money
• Has a clear conscience and a blameless life
• Faithful to only one wife
• Good managers of their children and family
• Faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ
In verse 11, the women are to be dignified as well, not gossips but moderate and faithful in all things.
In churches today, we can re-examine if the leadership follows the criteria for ministering to the body of Christ that Paul stipulated in this letter. Sadly, many leaders have failed to meet the qualifications of godly stewards of God’s people. The world system has somehow infiltrated churches with ungodly ways to use the church for personal agendas.
• Why do we need to follow Paul’s stipulation for godly leadership in church?
April 2
It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. 2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, skillful in teaching, 3 not overindulging in wine, not [a bully, but gentle, not contentious, free from the love of money. 4 He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity 5 (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?), 6 and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into condemnation incurred by the devil. 7 And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into disgrace and the snare of the devil.- 1 Timothy 3:1-7
In this letter to Timothy, Paul breaks down the qualifications needed for an overseer. He wants them to be very clear that the office of overseer is an honorable position that needs to be clearly filtered. He specifies to Timothy the requirements needed for this very important position. Among these are:
1. Must be above reproach and has only one wife
2. Temperate and self-controlled
3. Respectable and hospitable
4. Skilled in teaching
5. Not a drunk or not a bully but gentle
6. Not quarrelsome and doesn’t love money
7. One who manages his own household well and disciplines his children
8. Not a new convert and has a good reputation with those outside the church
Being an overseer in the church is not a position that must be taken for granted. Paul reminds Timothy to ensure that the house of God must be kept pure. If someone who takes the position of an overseer doesn’t qualify based on these requirements, there will be division and other problems that may arise in the body of believers. Since the position is not merely any physical office, but a spiritual calling, the selection process must follow the law of God. Can you imagine what will happen if a corrupt and greedy and drunk or quarrelsome person gets an overseer position? Unity will be compromised and the Holy Spirit will be quenched.
• Why is it important to select persons of reputation as overseers in the church?