8 And all the craftsmen among the workmen made the tabernacle with ten curtains. They were made of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet yarns, with cherubim skillfully worked. 9 The length of each curtain was twenty-eight cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits. All the curtains were the same size.10 He coupled five curtains to one another, and the other five curtains he coupled to one another. 11 He made loops of blue on the edge of the outermost curtain of the first set. Likewise he made them on the edge of the outermost curtain of the second set. 12 He made fifty loops on the one curtain, and he made fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was in the second set. The loops were opposite one another. 13 And he made fifty clasps of gold, and coupled the curtains one to the other with clasps. So the tabernacle was a single whole.
– Exodus 36:8-13
A poem by ILMA inspired by these verses
After the Lord assigned all the craftsmen to work on the tabernacle
All the craftsmen began making the ten curtains of the house of the Lord
Blue, purple and scarlet yarns were used for the building of this place
All the curtains were similar in sizes and grouped in two sets of fives.
There were only specific types of materials used which were fine twined linen and only three colors which were blue, purple and scarlet. According to the inspired scripture.com website, the fine linens pointed toward the unified and purified body of Jesus.2 Peter 1:4 and Colossians 1:22,27 says that as a believer, Jesus has imparted some of His righteousness to believers by making them holy with his blood. Blue symbolizes heaven. It is only through Jesus that we can have access to heaven. Purple symbolizes his royalty as “King of kings.” As mentioned in Revelation. The scarlet material symbolizes his blood that was poured out to atone for our sins as revealed in Revelation 7:14 and Hebrews 9:14. The ten curtains joined together as one symbolizes the divine order that comes from living out of love and not obligations and the 50 loops and clasps symbolize the freedom from sorrow that comes from living within the protection of his Covenant.
· What can you learn from the making of the ten curtains by God’s chosen craftsmen?