September 18
7 All the toil of man is for his mouth, yet his appetite is not satisfied.8 For what advantage has the wise man over the fool? And what does the poor man have who knows how to conduct himself before the living? 9 Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the appetite: this also is vanity and a striving after wind.10 Whatever has come to be has already been named, and it is known what man is, and that he is not able to dispute with one stronger than he. 11 The more words, the more vanity, and what is the advantage to man? 12 For who knows what is good for man while he lives the few days of his vain life, which he passes like a shadow? For who can tell man what will be after him under the sun? – Ecclesiastes 6:7-12
A poem inspired by these verses by ILMA
Most of our lives are spent to work so we can eat and be satisfied
Yet when we have consumed our foods, we still desire something else
We buy things that we think will give us happiness and pleasure
But all that we acquire end up being set aside later and unused.
We study hard so we can reach a level of knowledge that we can be esteemed
But the more we know, the more we aim more and the bigger our egos become
We speak more words so we can project a bigger image of ourselves
Not knowing that fools talk a lot more and wise people speak less words.
We like to be in control of things and of the lives of those whom we love
When we do not understand, we panic and do our best to make sense of it
We try to figure things out and pretend that we can control what’s happening
All the insatiable desires of man to be in control are all futile and pointless.
Without the fear of the Lord, no knowledge is beneficial to man
It is revering the Lord that eventually leads us to discover wisdom
All of man’s cravings for pleasure, knowledge and control are all futile
All these insatiable desires are the beginnings of sin that leads to death.
• How are human desires useless and considered a striving after wind?


July 7
18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. 19 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. 21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
– 1 Peter 2:18-25
A poem inspired by these verses by ILMA
When Jesus Christ suffered all the abuses and rejection of mankind
He gave us an example of endurance and obedience that was one of a kind
Because of his Son’s great love for humans, he appeased God’s wrath
It was grace and mercy in bounty that saved all of the unworthy
Let us all remember how Jesus endured all the pain before his death
Will we be able to die for someone else’s place who isn’t deserving?
When you suffer for the sake of love, you are doing a gracious thing
What grace is it if you give your other cheek instead of retaliating!
When you do the right thing and be misunderstood for it
It is an occasion to reap a harvest of reward from Him
Continue to emulate Jesus and you will do good in God’s sight
Be gracious to others as he gave you mercy and a new life.
• What did verse 23 meant when it said “When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly”? Can we do this?


March 21
Remember, O LORD, in David’s favor, all the hardships he endured,
2 how he swore to the LORD and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob,
3 “I will not enter my house or get into my bed,
4 I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids,
5 until I find a place for the LORD, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
6 Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah; we found it in the fields of Jaar.
7 “Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool!”
8 Arise, O LORD, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your might.
9 Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints shout for joy.
10 For the sake of your servant David, do not turn away the face of your anointed one.
– Psalm 132:1-10
A poem inspired by this psalm by ILMA
In the midst of life, am I prioritizing the worship of my Lord?
Or am I so enmeshed and distracted by the systems of the world?
Does my heart and mind seek him first in all that I say and do?
Or am I constantly engrossed with selfish pursuits and idols?
Deliver me Lord from the sin that easily crops up in me
I have this tendency to make my life comfortable and easy
Take it away from me, so I can live to serving you only
Keep my eyes focused on your truth so that I can be holy.
I will not stop until you increase and I decrease
Remind me that I am strong especially in my weakness
Let me praise and glorify your holy name all of my life
Never let me be oppressed by the enemy, give me light.
• What traits of David was clearly displayed in this psalm?
• Why is it important for us to seek God first in all things?


March 7
169 Let my cry come before you, O LORD;
give me understanding according to your word!
170 Let my plea come before you; deliver me according to your word.
171 My lips will pour forth praise, for you teach me your statutes.
172 My tongue will sing of your word, all your commandments are right.
173 Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.
174 I long for your salvation, O LORD, and your law is my delight.
175 Let my soul live and praise you, and let your rules help me.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant,
for I do not forget your commandments.
– Psalm 119:169-176
A poem inspired by this psalm by ILMA
Praise the Lord for giving us his wisdom through his word
Without it, we will grow weary, confused, burdened and tired
Let me declare your precepts day and night so I can stay in your light
Hold my tongue from using it to bring forth death; instead let it bring life.
Whenever I rely on my own understanding, I fail to walk in love
But when I meditate on your word, I learn to give grace
Give me an understanding according to your word
Help me never to be drawn to this very corrupt world.
Be ready to give me aide when I am in distress and anxious
Prod me to run to your word so the enemy’s tactics will be exposed
Let me live to praise you alone and build up the body of Christ
Glory be to you my Lord, for you are the source and giver of life.
• How has the word of God made you see things differently?
• Why is it important to meditate on his word day and night according to Joshua 1:8?


November 5
22 Let their own table before them become a snare;
and when they are at peace, let it become a trap.
23 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see,
and make their loins tremble continually.
24 Pour out your indignation upon them, and let your burning anger overtake them.
25 May their camp be a desolation; let no one dwell in their tents.
26 For they persecute him whom you have struck down,
and they recount the pain of those you have wounded.
27 Add to them punishment upon punishment; may they have no acquittal from you.
28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living;
let them not be enrolled among the righteous.
29 But I am afflicted and in pain; let your salvation, O God, set me on high!
30 I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
31 This will please the LORD more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs.
– Psalm 69:22-31
A poem inspired by this psalm by ILMA
Lord, you are a God of love and you hate all kinds of evil
You promised to protect and take care of your people
Bring judgment to all those who plot schemes against us
Let them know how much you abhor all kinds of wickedness
May their plans to harm someone be put on hold
May their names be removed from your book
Let their own traps work against them instead
Protect all the upright whom they want to hurt
Lord, we will praise you forever and always worship you daily
We will serve your majestic and powerful name constantly.
• Why do you think David prayed imprecatory prayers such as this psalm?
• Do you think God wants us to pray this way? Why or why not?


August 18
The LORD dealt with me according to my righteousness;
according to the cleanness of my hands he rewarded me.
21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
22 For all his rules were before me, and his statutes I did not put away from me.
23 I was blameless before him, and I kept myself from my guilt.
24 So the LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness,
according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.
25 With the merciful you show yourself merciful;
with the blameless man you show yourself blameless;
26 with the purified you show yourself pure;
and with the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous.
27 For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down.
28 For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness.
29 For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.
30 This God—his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. – Psalm 18:20-30
A poem inspired by this psalm by ILMA
The Lord’s way is perfect and his word proves true
He deals with us based on our righteousness and his truth
If we continue to follow his laws, he will never depart from us
Let us praise the Lord always and be thankful for his love and grace
The Lord rewards those who stay upright and those who follow his way
With the blameless, he provides, protects and answers their prayers.
Our Lord saves the humble but leaves the arrogant to their pride
But all those who take refuge in him, he lovingly guides
He is faithful to reward those who walk in his Spirit and avoids sin
He leaves the wicked to their evil deeds and their own foolish ways
With those who are pure, the Lord shows himself pure
With the wicked, his wrath unwraps and they are tortured.
• Why do you think God deals with the humble and the wicked differently?

April 18
16 Turn to me and be gracious to me,
for I am lonely and afflicted.
17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged;
bring me out of my distresses.
18 Consider my affliction and my trouble,
and forgive all my sins.
19 Consider how many are my foes,
and with what violent hatred they hate me.
20 Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me!
Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
21 May integrity and uprightness preserve me,
for I wait for you.
22 Redeem Israel, O God,
out of all his troubles. – Psalm 25:16-22
Lord, I come to you so you can attend to my loneliness
I am distressed with much troubles and discouragement
Look into my condition and forgive all my transgressions
I have been weak and given in to so much distractions
Guard my soul for the enemy attacks me constantly
He weaves tactics to distract and derail me day and night
Let me not be put to shame, for I run to you for safety
May your protection keep me strong to hold on to integrity
May I never forget all that you have done to keep me free
Deliver me from all those who plot evil and wicked devices
Let their schemes bounce back to the them; protect your people
Let me never be swayed and seduced by this world’s corruption
Show me how to always follow your Spirit’s lead in sanctification.
• How can integrity and uprightness preserve the believer’s life?


August 27
29 For otherwise, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why then are they baptized or them? 30 Why are we also in danger every hour? 31 I affirm, brothers and sisters, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, that I die daily. 32 If from human motives I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, what good is it to me? If the dead are not raised, LET’S EAT AND DRINK, FOR TOMORROW WE DIE. 33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 34 Sober up morally and stop sinning, for some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame.
– 1 Corinthians 15:29-34
In this letter, Paul proves further the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In verse 29, he seems to be talking about baptism for the dead which may have been a practice of those times regarding baptizing those who have died without hearing the gospel.
According to Gospel, some scholars have proposed that Paul’s key terms have rare or figurative meanings. First, they say “baptism” is metaphorical, as in Peter’s expression “baptism with fire.” Second, they say “for” does not mean “on behalf of.” Third, they say “the dead” are the spiritually dead or the dying, not the physically dead. Yet the text gives us no reason to seek metaphorical meanings. All stripes of scholars agree that the plain sense is most likely, though no one knows precisely what the Corinthians did. Though many scholars have tried to interpret this very perplexing verse, let us not get out of context, but go back why Paul mentioned this in this letter. He continues to spell out the essence of Christ’s resurrection for those who are hearing this message. He challenges their thinking regarding the principle behind the resurrection of Jesus: to show that Christ reigned over death and that in Him, we will have life again.
In verse 32, he talks about the only boasting we need to do as Christians: that Jesus Christ died for us to save us from sins and that no amount of achievement or prowess that we have achieved will assure us of life everlasting.
Paul cautions the believers that if Christ wasn’t resurrected, then we won’t have a purpose in life. Since God made us in his own image, he wants to ensure that we are living up to that image he made us to be. He warns us to stay away from bad company so that we can continue to live blameless lives.
• How is the resurrection pointing us to our purpose in life according to God’s plan?


August 26
20 But the fact is, Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. 21 For since by a man death came, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming, 24 then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to our God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be abolished is death. 27 For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is clear that this excludes the Father who put all things in subjection to Him. 28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.
– 1 Corinthians 15:20-28
In Leviticus 23:9-14, the feast of the first fruits was celebrated on the day after the Sabbath. Jesus rose from the dead on the same day of the feast of the first fruits, the day after the Sabbath following the Passover. Guzik comments that firstfruits is the ancient Greek word aparche. In the Septuagint, this word is used for the offering of firstfruits and in secular usage, the word was used in entrance fee.
In this letter, Paul couldn’t stress enough the importance of the resurrection of Jesus. He reminds the Corinthian believers that Adam brought death but Christ gave us life. When Christ resurrected, he became the offering to God so that he can appease God of his wrath on man’s sinfulness. All who believe in Christ, will also be resurrected as promised by God. He was sacrificial lamb so that we can have eternal life. Paul refers to the promised second coming of Christ, where he will rule over all kingdoms here on earth and in the heavenlies. All earthly rulers and spiritual powers will bow down to him and they will all be subject to Christ’s authority, power and reign. In verses 27-28, Paul specifically puts emphasis on all things will be subject to Christ except God the Father, since he is the Maker of all things. Though Christ is the Son of God, he is still subject to His Father. In Romans 11:36, Paul says in these words about the mystery of God’s plan: For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. He reminds the believers of the purpose of a man’s life: to bring God all the glory.
• Why is it important for us to remember what our purpose here on earth is?