canadablooms 019 (2)December 11                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
He made no distinction between us and them, for he cleansed their hearts through faith. – Acts 15:9 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
God created each one of us uniquely
Yet, the Heavenly Father loves us all equally
He made no distinction between us
He wants his children to completely trust.
The Lord cleansed our hearts through faith
When God transforms us, we change our fate
Our whole being is washed by believing
Rely on him and you will keep on growing.
What is the purpose of cleaning? We clean our houses so we can have order, peace and harmony. We clean our bodies to be more acceptable to others and ourselves. We clean our minds so that we can think better and become wiser. We clean our hearts so we can stay focused on God and open doors for the enemy to infiltrate our lives. We detoxify our bodies so that we can be healthier.
God created us in his image. He gives us equal promises to be fulfilled in our lives if we believe. The cleansing agent in our spiritual growth is faith in the Lord. Without it, we won’t be redeemed. Without believing, we are not covered by the blood of Jesus. We will still be covered in sin, without the cross.
Lord, thank you for the blood of Jesus that purifies me.
What do you do to clean your hearts, mind and bodies?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at