auries 2012 visit 129

August 24
Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord,” and you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.
-Psalm 32:5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What sins have you committed that made you remorseful?
How long have you suffered from being shameful?
If you confess your sins, your guilt will be eradicated
If you deny your wrongdoing, you will be convicted.
Confession is an act of courage and humility
It brings you to a place of peace and victory
If you admit your sins, you will reap purity
If you hide it, you will be deprived of integrity.
Many Christians do not realize how merciful and loving our heavenly Father is. When Jesus was asked how many times should a believer forgive, he replied seventy times seven which means infinitely. Because of the original sin that we inherited from Adam and Eve, we naturally feel shame when we disobey. Prior to their sin, they had no guilt. They always had peace and joy. When they disobeyed, the enemy’s voice made them feel guilty and full of shame. They hid from God and didn’t confess their sins. God confronted them instead.
The bible tells us the benefit of confession. It cleanses us from guilt and brings us peace. It removes our guilt and shame and re-unites us with God.
Lord, thank you for always being merciful to me.
What results do you get whenever you confess your sins?
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