October 19
When righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things, they will die for it. Yes, they will die because of their sinful deeds. – Ezekiel 18:26(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When a believer decides to continue sinning
He will be blinded and crave for evil things
They will grieve God’s Spirit living inside them
It will open the door for Satan to easily tempt.
The consequence of sin is death to your spirit
If you ask for forgiveness, you will be freed
When you choose to sin, you choose death
When you run to him, you will find rest.
If you have been living a life of denial, you open up yourself to dangerous living. Those who have never known the Lord will not know the consequences of their sinful living. It is just normal for them. I lived many years in denial that I was angry and that I had so many losses. I hid in performance and wanted people to approve me. I didn’t have self-worth. I was a very insecure person and felt empty because I didn’t feel like I belong to a family. I lived following what the world taught me: to seek pleasure and satisfy myself so I can cover up the pain of losing so many things in my life. I was spiritually dead for five decades, but God resurrected my spirit in Christ.
Lord, never let me compromise my love for you with worldly desires.
Why is it important to know the truth in order to make good choices?
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