September 26
A poem by ILMA
Jesus is the visual manifestation of the God that we don’t see
He was here in the beginning before all things were created
It was through Christ that God made all things in heaven and on earth
He created all things that we both see and also those that are not visible.
Thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities are those that are unseen
All things were made for the sake of our Lord Christ Jesus
He was there before anything was made and he holds all things together
Jesus Christ is the head of the church, which is his body.
He is the Alpha and is supreme over all things and won over death
He is first in everything and God in all his fullness, lived in Christ
It is through him God reconciled everything to himself
He made peace in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood.

He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together. – Colossians 1:17
Read: Colossians 1:15-20
It is an amazing revelation to the Colossians about the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Most people do not realize that everything in this world was created for Jesus and through him. Interestingly, he was also part of the creation because he is also God like the Heavenly Father. But we must also remember that there is a three-person God so, the Holy Spirit is also present during the creation, especially when humans were created. In Genesis 1:26, the plural form “Let us make humans” gives us a clue that the three-person God were all present in the making of the world, especially when mankind was made.
• As a Christian, do you always see that all things always point to our Lord Jesus Christ? Why do you think God created all things for Him and through him?