northbayfallvisit2013 002

October 20                                                The Power of God’s Word
The Lord is my shepherd. I have all that I need. – Psalm 23:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you feeling down and frustrated?
Do you feel ignored and mistreated?
Are your expectations from your loved ones met?
Do you seek their approval and fret?
The Lord is your shepherd, you have all you need
He guides you and plants in your heart good seeds
He loves you so much and longs for your heart
Don’t allow the enemy to trample or make you depart.
Do you experience days when you feel so down, frustrated and tired? When there are nights that I am unable to sleep, usually, something is happening in my heart. One of the ploys of the enemy is to create “wants” in the guise of “needs” in our lives. Satan presents these wants in a very subtle and cunning way that makes it look like it is a need. In my case, I am usually distracted with many chores or a list of things to do that I haven’t finished. Then he comes and gives me more distractions so that I won’t focus and give my whole heart and mind to God.
The bible tells us that if you have God, you have all you need. You don’t long for the things of this world but Him alone.
Lord, let my heart pine for you.
What wants prevent you from being close to God?

For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at