DON’T DRIFT AWAY Poem Devotional

October 16
So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.
-Hebrews 2:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What things causes you to drift away?
Are there lies you believe that keeps you astray?
Do you regularly seek the Lord and his word?
It actually guides you to understand this world.
Listen carefully to the truth you’ve heard
Don’t drift away from it as fast as a bird
Embrace every detail of the truth’s certainty
Don’t be lost in this world’s false reality.
Many of us easily drift from God’s will and his commands. We get tossed and turned by the waves of this corrupt world. Even though we have heard God’s truth for a very long time, we still get derailed from living the instructions of the Lord. Why do we drift from the truth? Many times it is caused by unconfessed sins. This is why the bible tells us to immediately confess our sins as soon as we are convicted of it. The longer we delay the confession, the longer we will go astray. One unconfessed sin leads to another and another. Sooner or later, we will just find ourselves turning our backs to what we have been taught in God’s word.
Just like in hypnosis, we must not be keeping our eyes on this world’s pendulum of sin. Let’s focus on the Lord.
Lord, help me not to drift away from your truth.
How can studying God’s word prevent us from drifting away.
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