June 15
A poem by ILMA
Job’s friends refused to reply further to him as he kept insisting on his innocence
Then Elihu son of Barakel, the Buzite of the clan of Ram became angry
His anger was directed because Job refused to admit he had sinned
He was also angry with Job’s three friends for they made God appear wrong.
Elihu said that he held back since he was younger than them all
He thought that those who are older should be wiser
He acknowledges that the Spirit of the Lord makes people intelligent
He realizes that not all elders are wise or understand justice.
He told them that he listened carefully at their arguments to Job
But recognized that they have not refuted him Job for all he said
He confronts Job at claiming God was picking a quarrel with him
Bringing a charge against God and complaining was another sin.
Elihu defends God who constantly speak to his people but is unheard
He enumerates God’s character such as discipline and his healing
He further accuses Job of arrogance and for spending time with wicked men
He presents God’s goodness and omniscience to Job and his friends.
He repays people according to their deeds. He treats people as they deserve. Truly, God will not do wrong. The Almighty will not twist justice. – Job 34:11-12
Read: Job 33-34
Elipaz, Bildad and Zophar were unable to refute Job’s innocence. All they did was to surmise that Job had sinned but had no clear evidence to present. After listening to the three friends and to Job’s response to them and his accusation that God was punishing him, a young man named Elihu confronts all the wrong notions that they had of God. He presents God as omniscient and omnipotent, something that Job and his friends didn’t have an understanding of. This young man had the Spirit of God stirring him to bring truth.
• Why did God use a young man to shame the elder men who claimed knowledge?