monocliff 2011 317

June 30                                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.
-Hebrews 13:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To sympathize is to recognize someone else’s situation
It is when you observe and say something about their condition
To empathize is to put your own shoes in their own difficulties
It is deeper than just saying something about their realities.
Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself
It will bring you to forget one’s self and help
Remember those who are being mistreated and abused
You will feel grateful and realize that gifts are to be used.
Sympathy and Empathy have been used interchangeably by many. While they may be synonymous, there is a difference in the degree and realm of emotion and understanding involved. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. When you identify with what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or have been through a similar situation. Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sense of kindness. It is when you feel bad for someone else who’s going through something hard. It is recognizing another person’s situation but not necessarily taking active part in alleviating their sorrow or pain. Christians are called to empathize not sympathize.
Lord, give me a compassionate heart.
Why are believers called to empathize rather than sympathize?