ETERNAL WEALTH Poem Devotional

October 27________________________________________
Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.
– Luke 12:21(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you like to gather wealth and material things?
These are all fleeting and will only tempt you to sin
You are a fool if your life focuses on what do not last
Gather the wealth that is eternal, seek Jesus Christ.
Build a relationship with God and make him always first
You will benefit from focusing your life on Christ
Prioritize him and you will receive a life that does not end
Make him last and you have just made the world your friend.
How would you like to be a spiritual millionaire? It is sad to watch people who spend their lives accumulating wealth, power, fame, possessions and not give the Lord even a tiny bit of time and attention. We humans get all hyped up and obsessed with the things that belong to this world. In Ephesians 6, we are all warned that we are not just dealing with physical things but with unseen forces. Life is not all about this world. James warned us that we cannot be friends of this world and retain our relationship with God. We cannot serve two masters.
Luke warns us that we need to gather eternal wealth rather than physical things because this is the one that will give us a life that lasts forever. ¬________________________________________
Lord, help me to always maintain making you first in my life.
How can you maintain a rich relationship with God?
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