FAITH HEALS Poem Devotional

June 2________________________________________
Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped. – Luke 8:44(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Believe the Lord your God with all your heart
For anything is possible to all those who trust
Like the woman who have much faith
Just by touching, she changed her fate.
If you have faith even just like a mustard seed
It can bring you healing and fill all your needs
Faith is what will make you grow spiritually
It is the secret to reach deep intimacy.
One of the greatest stories of faith in the bible is the woman who had a bleeding issue for many years. Because of her faith, she touched Jesus’ robe just so she can have even just his healing powers. She was healed instantly as soon as she decided to assert her faith.
I struggled much in my life and when I was raising my son alone, there where so much trials and suffering but I never lost hope. I relied on God for everything and he was faithful to provide all that I requested and much more. Many of my friends and colleagues witnessed how I was able to thrive despite all the illnesses and poverty that my son and I went through. He almost died of asthma at age four, but I was faithful and trusted that he would heal him, and he did.
Lord, help me grow my faith daily.
Why is faith essential in a believer’s life?
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