April 15________________________________________
And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself. -Ephesians 1:23(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The moment you believe in Jesus Christ
He fills you up with his love and his light
You begin to view the way he sees things
Gone is the old life; you gain power over sin.
When you are filled with Jesus Christ
You begin to hear his Spirit manifest in your life
You are made full in Christ when you submit to him
His presence will manifest in you and you’ll win.
There are some Christians who fail to allow Christ to fill their lives. One of the reasons why they are unable to access the power of Jesus is because they have not totally given up their old ways and embrace the new life that they have received when they accepted him in their lives. Having victory over sin comes with the pre-requisite that we need to receive the Holy Spirit in our hearts and not grieve it. Many people feel empty inside and keep searching how to fill this void. I did this many years during the valleys of my life. What I didn’t realize until I became a born again Christian was it was only Jesus that could fill up that desolation. He created us for himself and only him can fill us up.
Lord, give me a heart that will always long for you.
What happens if you fill your heart with other things rather than Jesus?
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