FILLED WITH LOVE Poem Devotional

rbg 182 (2)

April 23
The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. – 1 Timothy 1:5 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Is love the center and focus of your life?
Do you do everything under God’s light?
The word instructs us to be filled with love
It is a mandate that comes from God up above.
The purpose of Scriptures is to safeguard our hearts
It reminds us to have a clear conscience and to trust
The word teaches us to walk in love and faith
It protects us from ruining our lives and fate.
Some believers do not realize the importance of staying in God’s word regularly. Because of the noisy and corrupted world we live, it is very challenging to stay focused on God. The enemy has used “busy” ness to distract and waste our time with trivial and worthless things.
The bible says that Scriptures’ purpose is to instruct us to guard our hearts, stay pure and build up our faith. What do we have to do as Christians to stay in a relationship with God? Think of someone you love deeply. Won’t you do anything to spend much time with them? Why would it be different with God?
Lord, show me how to walk in love daily.
What unloving ways do you need to give up to walk in love faithfully?
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