Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance. 7 And after a time his master’s wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Behold, because of me my master has no concern about anything in the house, and he has put everything that he has in my charge. 9 He is not greater in this house than I am, nor has he kept back anything from me except you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” 10 And as she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her, to lie beside her or to be with her.
– Genesis 39:6-10
A poem inspired by these verses by ILMA
As God prospered Joseph in Potiphar’s household
His master’s wife had her eye on his handsome features
She wanted to lay with him but Joseph knew his boundaries
He didn’t want to betray his master’s trust for he had integrity
He knew that it would be displeasing to God and it is wicked
But Potiphar’s wife was relentless to get Joseph with her in bed.
This account is a clear manifestation of God’s presence in Joseph. He was walking with God’s Spirit so he is able to discern what is true and what is right. Without our faithful obedience and loyalty to the Lord, we will always be operating in our sinful nature, but if we are steadfast in our love to God, he will equip us with the strength to resist temptations.
Joseph showed integrity in this relentless pursuit of Potiphar’s wife to have a sexual relation with him. Joseph never forgot how God has blessed him with all the successes and bountiful comfortable life he was given when Potiphar trusted all he had with him.
We also witness the evil spirit living in Potiphar’s wife who wanted to be unfaithful to her husband and take a taste of Joseph. Because she didn’t know God, she lived in lust and a slave to her cravings.
- Can an ungodly person have integrity? Why or why not?