rbg 182 (2)

April 21________________________________________
O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways.
-Proverbs 23:26(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
How many times have your heart been broken by someone?
Have you become callous as a result of being hurt by anyone?
Have you been discouraged by evil that is in this world?
Trust Jesus for he will cleanse you with his word.
Give your heart to Jesus and he will make you pure again
Seek his help and your prayers will not be in vain
Surrender yourself to the one who gave you life
He will transform you if you stay in his light.
For many years, my heart was hardened because of the many painful experiences that I underwent. I wallowed in self-pity and lived in the city of regret. I complained about what I don’t have and compared myself with others. As a result, I became a very bitter and critical person. I didn’t realize that it was poisoning my whole being. My mind kept on thinking about all the painful events. It didn’t take long before the detrimental effects if such stinking thinking manifested in my life. I became very proud and relied heavily on myself. Independence and self-sufficiency became my coping mechanism. It completely closed my heart to reach out to God. When I gave my heart to Jesus, he changed it and made me hungry for him.
Lord, give me a heart that desires you always.
What do you think makes a person’s heart hardened?
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