June 23
7 But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly people. 8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
– 2 Peter 3:7-9
In this letter, Peter gives us a clear illustration of the current heavens and earth which are both going to be judged. The “fire” he mentioned in verse 7 is hell which are reserved for those who are wicked and unrepentant of their sins. Once again, Peter warns the family of believers to clearly see the consequence of sins. This is how we know that Peter was a great leader and a good shepherd who doesn’t want any of his sheep to be lost. In John 21, Peter was asked by the Lord “Do you love me?” three times. Jesus had three commands to him after he answered “yes” three times. Jesus instructed Peter to: Feed his lamb, take care of my sheep, feed my sheep. In this conversation, we clearly see how impatient and insecure Peter was. He was impatient about why Jesus asked him three times. When Jesus gave him a glimpse of his coming death, he turned to John and asked Jesus if John will also die.
In verses 8-9, we saw how Peter have grown from the time Jesus asked him if he loves him. He wants the believers to keep being patient about waiting for the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise. He knows how impatient he was, so he gives the believer a clear picture that human viewpoint is very different from God’s. He assured them that God is never slow about His promises as some people think. It is His “patience” that we cannot fathom. It is amazingly astounding and different from us. No words can describe how God can wait for us to repent because he doesn’t want anyone to perish. In Peter’s description of God’s patience, it is a manifestation of his love. In other words, we can only have patience if we love as much as God does. When we are impatient, there is something inside us that wants to cater to our nature. By nature, we are selfish. But by God’s grace, we can let go of this tendency towards sin. This is why God instructs us to follow Jesus. It is only through Christ that we can bear the fruit of patience. It is a clear sign that we are walking in the God’s Spirit when we can give patience to others and to ourselves.
• Why do some people think God is slow to fulfill His promises?