canadablooms 118

September 20
So faith comes from hearing, that is hearing the Good News about Christ.
-Romans 1:17(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The first time you heard the Good News about Christ
Didn’t it stir your heart and give you a new view of life?
Faith comes from hearing that God sent his Son to save
It stimulates your trust and gives you reason to be brave.
When I first heard that someone came to cleanse me from sin
It was refreshing to know that I can finally be victorious and win
Remember to meditate on the blood that was shed by Jesus
Be reminded how loved you are and how you are so precious.
When did you first believe that Jesus came to save you? I was about seven years old when he consoled me that he was there for me and will always be beside me. I was walking to school that day. I was criticized or ignored more often than not by the members of my family and I felt so lonely and unloved that day. I recalled I was crying as I carried my bag to school. I burst in tears and suddenly heard a voice inside my heart that Jesus loves me and that he cares for me. I started opening up my heart to Jesus that day. It was the start of a long time daily chat with Jesus.
Lord, thank you for dying for me and rescuing me each time.
Where did you first hear about the Good News?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at