November 2
And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself. – Acts 20:32(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you go through trials and feel discouraged
Focus on the grace of God so you will be encouraged
He will not allow you to be tested beyond your capacity
His grace is there to build you up in all your suffering and frailties.
When you cannot understand what you are going through
Grace gives you comfort by leading you to His truth
You need not understand why he unconditionally loves you
Just receive grace, thank the Lord and be renewed.
The word “grace” used in the bible like forgiveness, repentance, regeneration, and salvation, mean something as broad as describing the whole of God’s activity toward man or as narrow as describing one segment of that activity. An accurate, common definition describes grace as the unmerited favor of God toward man. It was hard for me to comprehend “grace” before I became a born again Christian. I was raised in the concept of working for my salvation. I wouldn’t be saved if I didn’t do good works. It enslaved me to think that I wasn’t going to be saved because I wasn’t good enough. God’s unconditional love for me is manifested in his grace.
Lord, help me to see the grace I receive from you daily.
What might block you from receiving God’s grace?
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