GUIDED BY THE WORD Poem Devotional


March 10
Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil. Ransom me from the oppression of evil people; then I can obey your commandments.
– Psalm 119:133-134(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
As we live in this chaotic world
We need to be guided by God’s word
When we believe in the word which is the truth
We get stability and establish deep roots.
Ask the Lord to ransom you from oppression
Seek his word so you will experience redemption
By hearing, listening and obeying his commands
You will learn to live a victorious life that is grand.
Do you ever wonder how some people are blessed with a life full of joy, peace and love while others are constantly struggling with challenges and unending suffering? The bible tells us everything we need to know how to live successful and victorious lives. The sad part is that we barely run to the bible to seek guidance and advice to deal with everyday living.
Psalm 119:133-134 tells us that it is the word of God that will guide our steps so we will not be overcome by evil. The psalmist was pleading God to be ransomed from the oppression of evil people so it is easier to obey his commands. It is much easier to obey God’s commands when we are not oppressed, abused or broken hearted.
Lord, free me from oppression.
Why is it harder to obey God when we are in bondage?
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