HARD WORK PAYS Poem Devotional

July 13 The Power of God’s Word Wealth from get-rich quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.–Proverbs 13:11 (NLT) HARD WORK PAYS A poem and essay by ILMA Those who work hard and persevere will grow They will have a bountiful harvest from what they sow Wealth will be easy for them to attain They have God who faithfully sustains. All the blessings in life, they will have For as long as they live, they will not starve Those who get rich quickly will not be rich for long They did not work hard enough to be that strong. Hard work is usually behind the success of wealthy people. Wealth does not necessarily mean rich in money and possessions. Some people are wealthy in talents and skills. Others are rich in friendships and family relations. I am blessed with creativity and God has been faithful to shower me with productivity that blesses others as well. When I spent time with God and thanked him for all he gave me, I was prosperous and prolific in my endeavors. The bible tells us that quick get rich wealth disappears easily while wealth derived from hard work grows over time. Do your best to work hard and do not obsess with getting rick quickly because it doesn’t last. Thankfulness is a big part of being prosperous and wealthy. PRAYER Lord, help me to be faithful to you. REFLECTION How is wealth and prosperity a result of hard work?