May 5
A poem by ILMA
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth
His disciple asked Jesus if the parents’ caused this man’s blindness
Jesus told them that it was to show the power of God through him
He reminded them that while he’s in the world, he will be the light.
Then Jesus spit on the ground, made mud with his saliva
He spread the mud over the man’s eyes and asked him to wash it
He sent him to go to the pool of Siloam which means “sent”
So, the man followed and went, washed and came back seeing.
Those who knew the blind beggar couldn’t believe he was the same man
The beggar kept on saying that he was actually that beggar they knew
When the Pharisees heard what Jesus have done for this blind person
They went to the man’s parents to ask if he was born blind.
The Pharisees kept on telling him not give Jesus the glory but only to God
They kept on convincing that Jesus was a sinner and they knew God more
But the man said how come they don’t know where Jesus came from
If Jesus was not from God, how could he have healed the blind.
If this man were not from God, he couldn’t have done it. – John 9:33
Read: John 9
It is amazing how many times God has done a miracle in a person’s life and yet people who have witnessed it do not seem to believe what they have actually seen. They start to analyze, justify and question the validity of it, instead of declaring what had been done and praising the Lord for the miracle.
• Why is unbelief rampant both in believers and unbelievers alike?
• What hinders us from actually being amazed at little or big miracles we have seen?
• What is behind the lack of faith in the human heart?