March 18
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you are going through some difficulties
Reach out to others in your area or community
God didn’t make us isolated and alone
He gave us each other so we can grow.
When you humbly share your burdens to others
You are admitting your weakness to your sisters and brothers
We are all called to help each other in our lives
Let us heed God’s command and give up our pride.
In our world today, independence and self-reliance is predominant. Gone are those days when people openly offer their help to their neighbors and community. We get absorbed by society’s dictate that we must earn money to thrive and in the process, we barely have time for anyone, not even to ourselves. How many of your neighbors do you actually know or talk to? Do you reach out when you see them struggling?
The bible encourages us to share our burdens with others. In fact, it is said in Galatians 6:2 that it is a law of Christ to share your struggles with others. We need to be wise who to share it with because not all people can be trusted. Share it with another believer who understands and live the commands of the Lord. By doing this, you are humbling yourself.
Lord, thank you that you created others to be around us when we are in need.
Why do you think reaching out to others is a law of Christ?
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