collingwood2013 015 (2)

August 2
Worshiping foreign gods has sapped their strength, but they don’t even know it.
-Hosea 7:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What distracts you from worshiping the Lord?
What things or people prevent you from giving him laud?
How much time do you use up for things that are worldly?
Do you realize they sap you of time, strength and energy?
Prioritizing God in all you do will bring you prosperity
Leaving him last will deplete you and deprive you of victory
There is only one God who can deliver you from the enemy
Christ is all knowing, all powerful, loving and full of mercy.
There is a misnomer that idolatry only involves other foreign gods. The enemy prevents us from knowing and seeing that even other things and people can become our idols. An idol is something or someone that keeps us away from praising and worshiping the only one true God, Jesus Christ. A job can easily be an idol. If we spend long hours on it and never acknowledge God for the blessing of being employed, we are idolizing our jobs. If our relationships hinder us from being close to God, we are compromising our intimacy with God and these people become idols.
The bible talks about how the Israelites’ idolatry of foreign gods have sapped them of their strength without being aware of it. Idols distract us from focusing on God.
Lord, show me instantly what idols I have in my life.
What idols does the enemy use to keep you away from God?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at