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October 11________________________________________
Why then do my people say, ‘At last we are free from God, we don’t need him anymore.’
-Jeremiah 3:31 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When we flee from God, we get confused
It shows ingratitude and our want to refuse
When we run away from our Savior
We get messed up and always get in trouble.
When we live out of God’s love, we sin
Our disobedience is turning from him
Living independent lives is dangerous
Depend on him and you will be joyous.
Independence is defined as a state of being independent or free from anyone’s control. Independence had been so emphasized in our lives today that we never want to depend on anyone for anything. It is so sad to see many people who take so much pride in doing things on their own. They think it is a good thing, but I believe God wants us to never be independent of him.
The bible relates in Jeremiah how God’s people tried to run away from God and thought that they don’t need him anymore. It is a mockery of God’s faithfulness when we try to separate ourselves from him and think that we have no need for him. In fact, the only dependence we should cultivate in our lives is to completely rely on God for every little or big things in our lives. He created us not to be isolated but be in relationships.
Lord, show me when I live independently from you and others.
Why is independence a relationship wrecker?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at