JOB’S FIRST TEST Poem Devotional

June 3
A poem by ILMA
The Lord answered Satan’s request to prove Job’s integrity and righteousness
He said that he can do whatever he wanted with Job but not harm him physically
When Job’s ‘s children were feasting at one of the brother’s house, something happened
A report reached Job that all of his animals were stolen and farmhands were killed.
While the first messenger was still speaking, another one arrived with this news
“The fire of God has fallen from heaven and burned your shepherds and sheep”
While he was still speaking, a third messenger came with the following update
“Three bands of Chaldean raiders stolen all the camels and killed all his servants.”
Then the fourth messenger came as the last one was still speaking said this
“Your sons and daughter were feasting in their oldest brother’s house,
Suddenly a powerful wind, spent in from the wilderness and collapsed the place
All of Job’s children died and this messenger was the only one who survived.
Job stoop up and tore his robe in grief, then he shaved his head and fell to the ground
He said that he came naked from his mother’s womb and will be naked when he leaves
He continued, “The Lord gave me what I had; and the Lord has taken it away
He praised the Lord and he did not sin in all this by pointing fingers at the Lord.
Praise the name of the Lord. In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God. – Job 1:21-22
Read: Job 1
If you place yourself in the shoes of Job, what would you do? Would you still be able to praise the Lord after losing almost all your possessions, including your beloved children? It is amazing how intact Job’s integrity was. He grieved his children’s death, and yet he was still able to recognize that they are not his but God’s and acknowledged that everything came from him and has the right to take it all back.
• Share a series of trial or adversity that you were able to recognize God’s hand in it.
• Why did God allow Job to be tested by the devil in this chapter?