JOY SUSTAINER poem devotional

October 18________________________________________
If your instructions hadn’t sustained me with joy, I would have died in my misery.
-Psalm 119:82 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What could bring joy to you?
Could it be money or a change of view?
The truth will set you free and make you glad
There is freedom when you follow God’s commands.
I would have died in my suffering and misery
If God didn’t rescue me and gave me full recovery
I never would have experienced joy overflowing
If not for God’s unfailing love and blessings.
Many different things can bring happiness to some people. We traverse this life in pursuit of that momentary pleasure to be happy. Sadly, many of us don’t experience it because we try to find it in the wrong things such as material wealth, fame, a relation or a career. I am a testament to this quest. Many decades of my life was wasted on chasing the wrong things that will bring me happiness. In the end, all these things made me feel even more empty than I already was. I kept looking for answers as to what could fill up that void inside me. What I didn’t realize was that I didn’t have to go far. I found it eventually when I heed to God’s call for me to come back to him and follow his commands. When I obeyed, it sustained my joy.________________________________________
Thank you for your commands that bring much joy to us.
What would happen if you constantly seek God and obey his commands?
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